There were several factors that made it hard for Nicholas II to govern Russia during the 1900's.

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Why was Russia so hard to govern?

There were several factors that made it hard for Nicholas II to govern Russia during the 1900's. The size of Russia presented problems for the government. The monarchy was hereditary and the members of the Romanov dynasty were supported by the Orthodox Church and the uneducated, on the bases that the tsar was appointed by god. It was hard to oppose the tsar, especially as the church expressed their desire for the people to give tsar their complete obedience. The bourgeoisie were opposed to the autocratic system and they constructed uprisings.

In 1894 Russia covered over eight million square miles of land, due to this Russia had gained a vast number of inhabitants, people of different race, language and culture. The Russian government had immense difficulty controlling such diverse groups of people, across a vast amount of land. Russia resided within two continents, Europe and Asia. Therefore there were cultural differences between the people within Russia. These differences created divisions amongst the citizens of Russia. Furthermore Russification, the idea that everything Russian is superior, consequently made non-Russian nationals feel even more alienated and resentment towards the government, as they would have seen the new policy as trying to strip them of their heritage and identity. Thus adding to the segregation of the people, and weakening the support for the government.
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Russia's lack of economic development was illustrated in the difference in size between the urban professionals and the working classes. The majority of Russia's population could be seen as peasants. The low numbers of the working class was an indication that Russia had not attained industrial growth on a large scale, which is a vital factor needed to produce an economically stable country. As Russia wasn't financially secure they couldn't give support in terms of housing and provisions to the people within their country. The lack of help that was awarded to the Russians, created deep animosity towards ...

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