Title: The effects of teen pregnancy on children Author: Waltohar Website: www.planetpapers.com/assets/1900.php

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Title: The effects of teen pregnancy on children

Author: Waltohar

Website: www.planetpapers.com/assets/1900.php

The information from the website that I collected and read is useful and reliable because I made sure that the information I had collected was reliable by checking date and source of publication.

The content of the website is based on the effects of teenage pregnancy on children. The information is structured in a way that everybody can read. The language the website uses is formal because there isn't any slang language. The layout of the website is good because the information is put into paragraphs which make it easier for the reader to read and understand and lastly the title and the author of the text is written in bold writing for the reader to see very easily.
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This website answered my second aim which was what the effects of teenage pregnancy are upon family life?

From what I found out in my research it says that the absence of a father figure is the main reason for teen pregnancy. The emotional problems that children suffer because there is no father in their life can be potentially hazardous to their future. Many children tend to be effected mentally because these powerful emotions have the potential to do permanent damage in a child's life. Children may experience sadness and depression, aggressive behaviour, frequent illness, difficulty in ...

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