In this experiment I will be investigating and analyzing the factors affecting the rate of decomposition of hydrogen peroxide by catalyse in immobilised yeast.

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In this experiment I will be investigating and analyzing the factors affecting the rate of decomposition of hydrogen peroxide by catalyse in immobilised yeast. This essentially is an enzyme practical. You know that various things alter the rate of enzyme-controlled reactions. I plan to carry out an experiment that investigates how one factor alters the following reaction:

Hydrogen peroxide (2H2O2) Catalyse Enzyme Water (2H2O) + Oxygen (O2)

Enzymes are biological catalysts that speed up reactions in living organisms. Without them reactions would be too slow for organisms to survive. Hydrogen peroxide is a waste product formed in cells. Since it is a highly poisonous (a powerful oxidising agent), it must be broken down as quickly as possible. Catalyse is an enzyme found in all cells that breaks down hydrogen peroxide to water and oxygen (harmless products). It is a very fast enzyme (the fastest known today)

As catalyse is found in yeast, a solution of active yeast provides a convenient source of the enzyme. I am going to first immobilise the yeast as it is much better to work with fixed quantities of the enzyme (catalyse) that does not get mixed up with reactants and products. The substrate reaches the enzyme by diffusion in the normal way, as the immobilising framework is porous.

Enzymes such as catalyse are protein molecules, which are found in living cells. They are used to speed up specific reactions in the cells; these reactions are all very specific as each enzyme just performs one particular reaction. Catalyse is found in food such as potato and liver. It is able to speed up the decomposition of Hydrogen Peroxide because of the shape of the Hydrogen Peroxide molecule. This type of reaction where a molecule is broken down into smaller pieces is called an anabolic reaction. Enzymes are able to increase the rate of reaction without actually being consumed in the process. This means, enzymes are very efficient. Small quantities at low temperatures are able to produce results, as they don't run out of usage, which would require high temperatures and a violent reaction from any normal chemical means. Although increases in temperature may speed up the reaction, enzymes are unstable when heated. When this happens to enzymes such as catalyse they are said to e denatured. Within doing this experiment there is a choice I had to make before I do the preliminary work. As there are several factors affecting the rate of decomposition of hydrogen peroxide, I only needed to investigate and experiment one. Some the factors that affect enzyme activity are:

* Enzyme concentration: must maintain this by keeping bead size the same

* Substrate concentration: varies the rate of reaction

* Temperature: varies rate of reaction due to more collision

* ·PH: shape of active site

For my preliminary work I chose to do temperature. This is because temperature can be explained scientifically in a much more complex manor this would help me gain more marks in this experiment as there is more to talk about. When you can describe something in more detail, you can make it out to be better. I was aiming to test out what it would be like to do temperature. I basically had to see which would be my independent variable.

Preliminary Work

As I chose to do my preliminary work on the factor of temperature, I tried to make the most of it, as it would be good experience before the real experiment. I used the same experiment I am going to use to find the effect of temperature on enzymes. The experiment I did of my preliminary work was a shortened version of the real experiment as I only did three different temperatures.

Results Of preliminary work:














After my preliminary experiment, I got a flavour of what I am doing and what I intend to do for my actual practical. The results showed me that as the temperature goes higher the rate at which catalase works at increases, until the enzyme cannot work anymore. At this stage it is said to be denatured. When the enzyme is denatured we expect it not to work at all. This might seem odd as it did work at 70ºC. Well there is an explanation to that. It could have been because the hydrogen peroxide was reaction with impurities within the test tube and caused bubbles to push the bead up. Alternatively it could have been because the beads were penetrated through by the vigorously hot water and formed a bubble, which made it go up. Surly and very definitely, catalase does not work at 70ºC. In general my results reflect my overall theory of this experiment. That is that as the temperature goes up, the rate at which catalase works at increases until it reaches its optimum where it will denature and not function. I decided to do the temperature factor. The temperature will be my independent variable.


My prediction is supported by Kinetic Theory in that if I apply twice as much heat there will be twice as much particle vibration therefore the reaction will happen twice as quickly. Collision Theory also backs it in that if I apply twice as much heat there will be twice as many collisions and therefore the rate of reaction will double. This means that the bead will rise in half the time. This will only be so until the enzyme denatures after its optimum temperature: 40 - 45°C. I predict that the enzyme will become denatured, and therefore will work at a slower rate after 40 - 45°C. I think the reason for this prediction is because every enzyme has a temperature range of optimum activity. Outside that temperature range the enzyme is rendered inactive. This occurs because as the temperature changes enough energy is supplied to break some of the molecular bonds. When these forces are disturbed and changed the active site becomes altered in its ability to accommodate the substrate molecules it was intended to catalyse. Most enzymes in a human body shut down beyond certain temperatures. This can happen if body temperature gets too low (hypothermia), or too high (hyperthermia).
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From my background knowledge it is evident that as temperature increases, the rate of reaction also increases. However, the stability of the protein also decreases due to thermal degradation. Holding the enzyme at a high enough temperature for a long period of time may cook the enzyme. Reaction rate is the speed at which the reaction proceeds until reaching equilibrium. For an enzyme-catalysed reaction, the rate is usually expressed in the amount of product produced per minute. The energy barrier between reactions and products governs reaction rate. In general, energy must be added to the reactants (glucose oxygen) ...

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