Asses sociological explanations for the increasing number of religions & spiritual organisations and movements in society today

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Asses sociological explanations for the increasing number of religions & spiritual organisations and movements in society today.

Churches are the dominant religious organisation in society that seeks to include all social groups within the membership. They therefore have the most members which gives them the most influence. Churches support and reinforce society's norms and values. This means that churches are more appealing to a wider number of people. Churches are uniquely legitimate. A church claims to have the answer to all questions and doesn't accept answers that other religions provide. In churches members are generally not expected to be highly committed to be members. Therefore it takes less of a life change to be part of a church. However

Some sociologists would argue that a secularisation process has occurred and churches no longer have great influence. Even major religions such as Christianity no longer has any real influence as only 10% of people regularly attend places of worship. This essay will assess sociological explanations for the increasing number of religions and spiritual organisations and movements in society today.

New religious movements are always increasing. These movements have always existed but there was a big increase in the 20th century, especially since the 1960s. Although it can be difficult to classify these movements, there have been numerous attempts to classify them.

With the number of new religious movements present in the 1970s, Wallis classified these movements into three types according to their relationships to the outside world. The first type which is world-rejecting new religious movements is similar to sects as described by Troeltsch. Most movements of this type are not traditional and want a change in the world which seems to be evil or corrupt. The members have to obey strict rules and have to leave their social life behind them. Some of these movements are millenarian. These movements attract mostly those people who are marginalized. An example of this type of movements is The Moonies. The second type is world-accommodating movements, which are normally offshoots of a church or denomination. They neither accept nor reject the world but simply live within it. They are even tolerant of other beliefs; such an example is the Pentecostalists. The last type which Wallis classifies is the world-affirming new religious movements. These do not have any form of organization and do not have specific rules because its members believe mostly in human growth. They normally tolerate other religions, and they try to attract people mostly from the middle class through the media. Examples of these types of movements are the New Age and the Church of Scientology. These movements are vastly increasing. There can be various reasons which may lead to this growth. Weber argued that it can be due to the marginality within groups in society. These new movements mostly attract people because they can feel they are not receiving the rewards that they deserve. The increase in NRM's may also be due to relative deprivation. This refers to the subjective sense of being deprived. Being deprived doesn't only apply to the working class but may also apply to those who are well off but feel as though they are deprived in some way compared to others and may feel spiritually deprived. As we are living in a materialistic, consumerist world we are always seeking to gain something in one way or another. As a result Wallis argues this maybe the reason in which we turn to sects for a sense of community and belonging. Also as argued by Stark and Bainbridge those who are relatively deprived break away from churches to form sects.
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When looking at the growth of NRM's we can also look at social change to help explain it further. Wilson argues that periods of rapid change disrupt and undermine established norms and values, producing anomie or normlessness. A s there is so much uncertainty as we live in a fragmented society as described by postmodernists, those of us who are most affected by disruption may turn to sects as a solution. Bruce sees the growth of sects and cults today as a response to the social changes involved in modernisation and secularisation. In Bruce's view, society is now ...

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