Word Count: 2,252 Student Number: 032411410. Do the Media Inform or Misinform the Public about the Nature and Extent of Crime in Britain?

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Word Count: 2,252

Student Number: 032411410.

Do the Media Inform or Misinform the Public about the Nature and Extent of Crime in Britain?

There is continuous debate on the effectiveness of media reporting with regards to informing the public about crime. The media have motive, methods by, which they distort information, and evidence of the affects of their misinforming the public. However the media do inform the public with regards to problems in our society, without the media we would know nothing. The public also need to be thought of when trying to decipher whether the media does in fact misinform them.

There are certain motives, which may suggest that the media do in fact misinform the public with regards to the nature and extent of crime. The Marxist 'mass manipulation' models suggest that the excess of crime stories are there as a way to divert attention away from the real problems in a capitalist society. They see media manipulation and distortion as a way in, which the upper classes control and extend their power out over the lower or working classes. Through diverting attention away from central issues the upper classes are able to retain their power and the established social hierarchy. 'The class which has the means of material production at its disposal has control at the same time over the means of mental production, so that thereby, generally speaking, the ideas of those who lack the means of mental production are subject to it'1. The Marxist 'mass manipulation' model also proposed the idea that the media orchestrate moral panics in order to legitimise the introduction of greater social control measures. So Marxist theorists therefore felt that the media misinforms the public with regards to the nature and extent of crime in order to secure their social position. However can we really draw such a distinct line between the media/upper class and the public/lower class? Surely it is the working class that are producing, writing and developing the media, for as the label suggests, they are working. So how can it be proposed that the media misinforms the public, when those that produce the media are in fact, the public? It could be said that the media therefore is an opinion, and how can an opinion be misinforming, it is not fact it is merely an interpretation of an event expressed by the public for the public.

In spite of this there is another motive for the media to need to distort information and therefore misinform the public is the competition between media sources. McManus (1992) did a study of a Scottish television station he found that; "18 of the 32 stories analysed -- 56 percent -- were inaccurate or misleading." McManus also found a pattern to the miss-coverage: "There is an economic logic to these distortions and inaccuracies. All but one...were likely to increase the story's appeal, help cut down the cost of reporting or oversimplify a story so it could be told in two minutes." As the Marxist theory proposes, we live in a capitalist society, where the social structure is determined by those with money and therefore power. Consequently the media wish to secure as many sales as possible and make the highest profit. To do this they often distort information as to promote its interest and subsequent sales. Leading to the public being misinformed with regards to the nature and extent of many crime stories as a way to promote sales.
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A way in, which the media distort information and mislead the public is through sensationalism. This is where media sources such as the papers sensationalise events with shock headlines, and present the story as good threatened by evil. Reports are presented in a dramatic and unusual way so as to capture the readers imagination; for example, reporting of rape focuses on dramatic attacks by strangers in public places, whereas women are more likely to be raped in private by someone they know2 Also once a criminal is convicted, the papers often print sensational information: irrespective of its accuracy: ...

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