A day at the amphitheatre at Pompeii

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A day at the amphitheatre at Pompeii

I cant believe its nearly here, I mean I've been waiting for a long time to see my favourite gladiator, Marcimus Omnimous and the best games this planet has seen. Marcimus is a Thracian, which is my favourite gladiator, as they seem to win every match. Thracians wears armour on both legs and carries a small square shield and wears either a full visor helmet or an open faced helmet with a wide brim and carried a curved Thracian sword with a n angled bend in the blade. Marcimus was a prisoner captured in Spain and is one of the best gladiators in Pompeii at the moment. Hello my name is Alexander Museumus, I am 18 years old and I work with my father at the local grocery, which is famous throughout the whole of Pompeii. The business has been in my family for as long as I can remember and I take great pride in my work. The second most important thing in my life is the gladiator fights which will be around soon.

Two days and counting until the greatest fight Pompeii has ever witnessed against Nuceria. I have been a bloodthirsty fan of watching gladiators since the age of seven when I saw my first game with my father and older sister, Serena who is love with every muscular gladiator she can see with two eyes. That day changed my life and I can remember every second of the match from the words "Mitte" and "Lugula". When I was thirteen years old and starting to build muscle I wanted to be a gladiator, and trained extremely hard everyday to become an idolised hero. Even now I occasionally train at the Stabian Baths with some of my friends. For the past several months the walls of Pompeii have been flooded full of advertisements for the big day against our neighbouring city, Nuceria.

People have been going crazy over this event in two days time, some of which would come running into my families grocery screaming "its coming, its coming" and running out again. Small boys in wearing body armour made of scrap wood would fight in the streets with wooden sticks whilst girls watched them. These gladiatorial battles are what bonded the people of Pompeii and kept the community so strong and without it I think there would be mayhem. Woman in Pompeii would go crazy over gladiators and fantasise over these disfigured monsters and some would go to the extreme and leave their husband and family just for an affair with these men. My older sister, Serena is going to the gladiatorial barracks tomorrow to see them train with hundreds of other screaming girls. I think I will go as well to catch a glimpse of Marcimus and see how these animals train.

Most of the gladiators are prisoners, slaves and criminals who train long and hard in schools but there are a few such fighters are paid volunteers and despite the unpromising life expectancy of those who entered the arena, free born Romans sometimes became gladiators voluntarily, relinquishing their rights as citizens and giving over their bodies, in the words of the contract they signed, "to be burnt, to be chained up, to be beaten, and to be killed by an iron weapon." Gladiators who performed well were rewarded like my friend Sypras who had fallen into financial difficulties, and became a gladiator. He was always a big man but quite ugly. Now being a gladiator for one year and won two matches he is the richest man I know and is a sex symbol with the pick of the entire pretty woman.
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It's time for another visit to the baths and I'm looking forward to the great delights that the baths have. I quickly trotted along to the entrance gates of the Stabian baths. I go to the doorkeeper to pay the administration fee. Every time I go, it seems to be going higher, but that's probably because of the refurbishments going on. I glanced across to the Palaestra (exercise area) I see Spyros, a good friend of mine turned gladiator. I started talking to him about the next Amphitheatre date while doing some weight lifting. I then proceeded onto ...

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