Experiment to find the concentration of water in potato cells through Osmosis.

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Write a personal narrative essay (minimum 500 words) that describes a vivid episode in your life; in other words, tell a story about yourself that documents a personal experience you've had, be it good or bad, alone or with others. Prepare and include a thesis statement (opinion), either direct or implied, in the first paragraph or elsewhere in the essay, that reveals to the reader your response to what you experienced, and support that thesis with relevant details in the narrative. Please include some concrete descriptions in the narrative.

One week before Christmas, my tall, blonde friend, Erika and I settled into opposite seats just as the train labored off toward Manhattan. We teased each other as we compared the weight and size of our over-night bags. Erika's bag held a change of underwear, a nightshirt, and a toothbrush; my bag contained three complete outfits, two pairs of shoes, a nightgown, a bathrobe, a hair- blower, cosmetics, and aspirin. Erika teased that I would be sorry when I had to carry my bag around the city. I joked that she would beg me for beauty supplies that night. We quieted down and smiled at each other as we anticipated the weekend.

"I really appreciate this, Erika," I said. "I need some space-you know, some time away from my family."

Erika is a compassionate friend. She has known pain and hardship. When just a child, Erika and her German family fled by foot from Russia, through Europe, to Germany. During the flight, her father was captured by the Russians and executed. Because of her own suffering, Erika was sensitive to my need to get away and treated me to a weekend in Manhattan.

"Yah, yah Schotzy. Don't tank me," she responded with embarrassment. Erika was uncomfortable with the thanks, so she changed the subject.

"I tink you will find Carol a very interesting person. You know my mother spends a few months every year cooking for the homeless. Well, dats how I met Carol-through my mother. Carol lives at the shelter and works dere. She doesn't own a ting; even her clothes are donated. She invited us to eat dinner with the homeless at the shelter. I thought dat would be interesting. Do you mind? Uff course, if we feel funny about it when we get dere, we can always eat out. Okay, Shotz?"

I nodded in agreement.

"Den we can finad a Christmas concert somewhere. What do you tink? Iss dat okay?"

"It sounds great, Erika."
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We arrived at Penn Station where I convinced Erika that we should walk the twelve or so blocks to the mission instead of hiring a taxi. We briskly walked the distance to the shelter and had no problem locating it since there was a huge cross mounted above the entrance. In red neon lights, it declared to the dark city that "Sin will find you out."

Opening the ornate oak door to our knock was a short, round- faced, round-bodied woman wearing horn-rimmed glasses and her grey hair in a Dutch-boy haircut. She smiled warmly and ...

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