Great Expectations - summary, how it relates to self-discovery, techniques used and comparing with

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Additional Material - Great Expectations

Title: Great Expectations

Author: Charles Dickens

Type of Text: Novel


Pip was a common working boy; he was used to his status and was happy. But after he met the cold and proud Estelle, he fell foolishly in love with her. He became ashamed of himself, ashamed of his family and ashamed of his work. That was when he discovered his "great expectations". A few years later, Pip was told that he was chosen to inherit a great fortune, whose name must remain a secret until that person decided to tell Pip himself. Pip foolishly thought that it must be Miss Havisham, who made him an apprentice to Joe Gargery - his sister 's husband and his friend. Pip, amazed by his luck, was soon moved to London to start a new life. During that period, Pip discovered the real person who was generous to him - a convict whom he helped a long time ago. Pip also discovered that Estella, the girl he loved, was indeed the daughter of Magwhich. Magwhich was captured by the police later, but before he was sentenced, Magwhich died peacefully in jail after he heard from Pip that his beloved daughter was still alive. Pip then started a new life and it wasn't until 11 years later that he met Estella again, who was married to a cruel husband, now divorced and changed to a better person, and given Pip a place in her heart.
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How it relates to self-discovery

The story is mainly focused on Pip's discovery of his "great expectations" from his interview with Estella. He also discovered the importance of status in this society and therefore he is willing to live at a higher class and be respected. "What I dreaded was, that in some unlucky hour I, being at my grimiest and commonest, should life up my eyes and see Estella looking in at one of the wooden windows of the forge. I was haunted by the fear that she would, sooner or later, find me out, with ...

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