Original Writing: Memory One - First Day at School

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Original Writing

Memory One

"Hello, Emily. Do you want to come upstairs? Follow me."

I obediently followed the strange man up the stairs, turning nervously to wave to my mum. She smiled encouragingly and waved back.

"You'll be fine," she mouthed.

"Please let me be liked." I wished with all my heart. "Please don't let any one bully me."

We walked swiftly along a corridor, classrooms on either side, turned a corner and entered a large classroom. I stared around, bewildered. None of the classrooms were as big as this in my junior school in Milton Keynes!

"You can sit over there," the man said. I sat down and looked at the teacher. He started to talk about how long he had been at the school. He was balding, and what little hair he had left was grey; he also had a grey beard. I hoped his personality wasn't grey too.

I looked down at the graffiti-covered desks. They were the sort that the Victorians had, so the lift-up lids creaked but at least you had your own space to put things.

"So, Emily, tell me something about yourself." Mr Troman's deep, rumbling voice disturbing my brief daydream.

"Uh...um..." I mumbled, unsure as to what he had said. I warned myself to pay attention to my surroundings from now on.

"What about your favourite animal?"

I ran my hands over the graffiti, tracing the lines with my fingers. "Horses." I mumbled again, not looking at him, then kicked myself. "Sit up straight." I wanted to make the right impression. I could have started up a conversation about how I ride every weekend without fail, and how I wanted to work with horses when I am older. But instead I just mumbled.

"Right," he answered.

I turned at the sound of the white door opening. "White means purity," I thought. Did this mean I was going to be ok?
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A huge group of people swarmed into the room. Swarmed like bees. Bees swarming around their hive. Me.

"Be quite now!" Mr Troman ordered. I trembled.

The bees swarmed over by the blackboard and stared at me. Their next victim.

"So," Mr Troman started. The bees shifted position to look at him. "Anyone interested in horses?"

A few children raised their hands. Three of the children stood out to me like three red poppies in a sea of buttercups. One girl had put her hand up. She had blonde hair tied up ...

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