Was Lady Macbeth Mainly To Blame For The Death Of Duncan?

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Macbeth - Was Lady Macbeth Mainly To Blame

For The Death Of Duncan?

Macbeth is the story of a tragic hero. Shakespeare had four tragic heroes, each with their own unique character flaw, which in the end brings down their power and causes eventual death. Macbeth's character flaw is his ambition, but it can also be said that the external forces, the witches could have been the cause of his rise and fall from power.

The first time that we see the witches is in an open place in the middle of a storm, a time when most people would not leave their houses. This gives them a strangeness about them, which cannot be put into words, but whatever this is it makes you fear them. It seems as if they do not fear the elements, maybe as if they control the elements. This fact would scare even a modern day audience who believe that witches don't exist, but in Shakespeare's time when people were still being burnt at the stake this would have petrified them.

Then when the witches speak they seem to talk in riddle, which each of them understands, like a code they use when speaking to each other. Through their riddling we hear that they are going to meet Macbeth in the heath: 'when the hurlyburly's done, when the battle's lost and won.' The witches seem to know before they actually meet Macbeth; that they will meet him on the heath, after the battles done. The foretelling of the future doesn't mean these witches are evil, but saying 'Fair is foul and foul is fair' in other words they like bad things and dislike good things. Liking the bad or evil things suggests that they themselves are evil instead of good. They then disappear into the foggy air surrounding them.

Before meeting Macbeth the witches perform their first piece of magic in front of the audience, they prepare a charm that is intended for Macbeth. This charm maybe to control him or just to make sure that he turns up, because if he does not turn up they can not tell him about their prophecies about his future.

When Macbeth arrives the witches waste no time in idle chitchat and do not even bother to say hello. The witches straight away tell Macbeth he will be Thane Of Cawdor and that not too far into the future that he will be king. The witches ignore Banquo until he speaks to them. Banquo does not believe that these people stood before him have any more power to see into the future than he does. He asks them what his future holds for him. Banquo is surprised when they reply to his question telling him that he will not be king, but that his children will.
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Banquo is cautious of what the witches have predicted. He is still unsure whether the witches speak the truth, and even if they do he is unsure if these people are good or evil. Banquo warns Macbeth:

'The instruments of darkness tell us truths,

Win us with honest trifles, to betray's

In deepest consequence.'

He is saying that the witches are evil and that they may speak the truth about the future, which is trivial and brings about our own destruction. Macbeth ignores this warning and will soon live to regret this.

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