Write an original story on a subject of your choice .It can be real or imagined. - A New World

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Gareth Beck 10Bu/o 14th Dec 2000

Original writing

Task :- Write an original story on a subject of your choice .It can be real or imagined.

Target :- Consciously shape and craft language and structure to achieve sophisticated effects.

:- Spelling, Punctuation and grammar must be faultless.


It was summer and nearly the end of school it was 5SG turn for a school, trip today, and since St Martins lived at the centre of the Country. The school had decided to take 5SG to the seaside. All the class were excited as this would have been their first time at a seaside resort but Timothy Longthorpe had just moved in a few months ago and had moved from a seaside resort so he was trying to dampen everyone's sprits by saying how pathetic it was. Tim (as he preferred to be called) was quite tall for his age had blue eyes and fuzzy brown hair he also wore glasses and they didn't suit him one bit. He was very intelligent for his age and had all the latest technology at home he even had his own website that got about 50 hits a day. This website was all about intelligent people and also how clever he was and if there was anyone else like him to email him but he didn't get people saying how nice it was for him he got hate mail. Anyway lets not got side tracked, Tim sat at the front of the bus sat next to no one and just read his favourite book "Lords of the Unknown" he liked things to do with the unexplained.

He could now smell the seaside air he wished he could ask the bus driver to turn back but there was no hope, he hated the sea after one incident when he was in his rubber dingy when the sea pulled him out even further so a lifeguard had to get his boat and come and get him, his parents gave him a real telling off and wasn't allowed on his computer for a week. The bus arrived at the seaside town Tim smelt the sea air and also he could smell Fish and Chips. The teacher told the class to gather round and said " I am going to give you all an hour on the sand and then you may have your packlunches after that."

Tim got the last bucket from the pile there was of 30 it was all cracked and there was no bottom to the bucket Tim sighed and went to build a moat and a sandcastle so he decided to do the moat first and while he was digging he noticed something in the sand, a book! This must have been the smallest book he had ever seen about the thickness of his hand as long as his little finger it was gold and silver in colour, he tried to open the book but it seemed to be locked some how? The question was how would he open such a tiny book with out damaging it? He looked closer and saw that this wasn't English writing it was definitely foreign and Tim couldn't wait to get home to find out what language of the book was maybe it could unlock something or maybe it was Alien writing Tim didn't really know so he slipped it into his top pocket of his T-shirt. He built his castle and moat and everyone was very impressed including the teachers. Tim loved his lunch Chicken, Tuna and pickle sandwiches his favourite his mum made them especially for him. Then was the best part of the afternoon the teachers allowed you to do what you wanted so Tim decided to go and sit on a wall and try and figure what language this book was in from his knowledge it looked Egyptian.

Tim got off the bus and ran home with his book in front of him, he rushed in through his bag in the cupboard along with his shoes and went up stairs to his beloved computer. He logged on to the Internet and found an Egyptian translator while that was downloading on to his computer he went downstairs and into the garage searching for the smallest screwdriver his dad had and he found one right at the back of his dads tool box. He rushed upstairs and into his room the translator had finished downloading, he then found a keyhole with his magnifying glass, opened the book and what was inside was millions of words all meaning absolutely nothing to Tim. He scanned the first few pages and translated the words using the translator the first few words came up on his screen "how to enter the World Part 1!!" Tim then thought to himself what world? There is only one world and that is ours. It continued to translate the book,

"Find a crack in any field or dig a hole and into this you must put one fish and four acorns! Then add enough water to cover the acorns and the fish."
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Since Tim was home alone for a hour or two he thought he would try it out next-door had Oak tree and Tim's Dad had his own little aquarium. Tim's next door neighbour was old and grumpy he was about as tall as Tim but was about ten times older than Tim. Tim went to the back of the garden and climbed over the fence when he got over there it was a big Oak tree lots of acorns were on the floor around him so Tim decided to fill his pockets full. Tim forgot to switch off ...

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