Study of a child

Name: Lauren

Date of birth: 11 may 2000

Age: 3 years

Sex: Female

Physical (looks).

Hair: Blonde, light, straight, shoulder length

Eyes: Blue

Size (height): 97cm

(* Her height is average, she is about the right height for her age according to a centile chart in the text book child development by H.Brennand, J.Fairclough, V.Hall. E.Nicholson and E.Rees.)

Teeth: Lauren has all her primary teeth, which include her incisors, canines and molars. She has all 20 primary teeth and has had them sine she was about 3 years old. She brushes her own teeth.

Health: Lauren has good health as you can tell because she has good sound eating habits, normal opening of bowels, always interested in surrounding, contended child, breathing normally through the nose. She has very bright eyes, sleeps well, good, clear, firm skin, well developed muscles, no constantly running nose, normal progress and development for the age group and weight and height average for the age group. This was taken for the child development book.

Personality: Lauren is quite quiet but when she needs to ask questions she does. When with other children, she is lively and enjoys having them around her. She has very good behaviour, is rarely naughty and if she has done something wrong and she knows she has, she apologises. This shows a well-developed sense of right and wrong and socialisation. She goes to nursery and is excited to go, when it is the holidays and she isn't in nursery she thinks she has done something wrong because she hasn't gone to nursery.

She is happy when she plays with other children and toys; she likes to play with toys with her family/friends. She is sad when she doesn't get what she wants or when she has done something wrong, and knows that she has, she will sit on her own and keep her head down until someone says it is ok.


Family members

Alison is her mother and Chris is her dad. She has a twin brother called Cameron born 20 minutes before Lauren. These twins get on great without fighting and arguing with one another. To me they care and love one another. If one of them gets hurt the other one goes and helps nurse them.


They live in a new set of detached houses, which is 6 miles from St Helens town centre and about 1/2 mile from the nearest shop. The estate that they live o has about 60 = houses and is well arranged. There is going to be a pub and shops built on the estate.

The house has 4 bedrooms, bathroom upstairs and downstairs, kitchen, dining room and living room. The house has a garage on the side of the house and long wide driveway. Lauren has her own bedroom and it is fairly big, the windows are small so there is no chance of her climbing though them. The windows are high; one of the other bedrooms is now a toy room for her and her brother. The house has a fairly big back garden and front garden. The garage contains all their outdoor toys like bikes, scooters, etc.

Physical development (large muscles) gross motor skills

Lauren has full control and support of her head. She can sit up with a straight back and a good posture. She can stand upright on her own. She can walk in a straight line. She can run about and go and down steps with one foot on each step. She can ride a bike using stabilisers. She can kick a ball and throw a ball. She can climb up a slide on her own and is confident to slide down it on her own. She can hop, skip and jump. She usually jumps the last 2 steps of the stairs. She can use a normal swing but someone has to push her to get her started, then she will begin to use her legs for a wile. (*Children are becoming more social and willing to play with other children. Speech modulating in loudness and range of pitch. Large vocabulary intelligible even to strangers, but speech still contains many immature phonetic substitutions and unconventional grammatical forms.)

Fine manipulative skills (The use & control of hands and fingers)

She can reach and grasp for objects. She can hold a toy in her hand and drink through a normal cup or glass. She can pass things from hand to hand e.g. a crayon. To colour she uses palmer grips to pick up Lego etc. She uses pincer grip. She can do jigsaws and build towers using building blocks she can build them to there highest. She eats using a spoon, knife and fork. She can thread beads but sometimes needs help doing the smaller ones.

She can draw pictures, which you can realise what hey look like! She can talk a lot with a wide range of vocabulary. She can paint, colour, draw and try and write letters. She uses play scissors and know that's they can be dangerous. She will share things with other children e.g. sweets, crayons etc. She doesn't really have nightmares but she food fads, when she doesn't like something she will tell you that she doesn't'. She can match colours together she knows what most of her colours are. She can wash and dry her hands once been the toilet and before her tea. She can put her own coat on and take it off and hang it up.

Intellectual development

Lauren has a good use of vocabulary. She can say 500 + words; make short sentences up like 'a yellow ball', 'my mum has gone work' things like that. She can ask questions when needed and answer them if you ask her a question. She can count from 1 to 10 easily maybe higher, she can count up to 20 sometimes needs helps, and she can say other numbers but doesn't know where they come when counting.

She can sing songs and remember them. She can listen to a story and tell you what happens. She remembers pop songs tunes and she can read picture books and label objects and people with their correct names. She knows hat her road is call that she lives in, and what her door number is but she doesn't know her postcode or telephone number.

She asks lots of questions. She can also sort out simple objects and recognises long and short objects. She knows some shapes and logos of sport were. E.g. Nike, Adidas, etc. She know lots of colours but mostly the simple ones like red, blue, green, yellow, etc. She can say if an object is heavy and light and the different textures e.g. smooth, hard, soft, etc. Her vocabulary is rather large and her sentences are getting longer day-by-day. She sometimes uses the incorrect endings e.g. drawed, sheeps, etc.

Emotional development (learning to handle and control feelings) and social development (learning to live with others).

Lauren is shy with strangers, but is talkative when with friends in nursery. I f she needs to ask a question she will. She plays with her brother (twin) and 2 children from next-door and she has fun playing with them. She plays with her family a lot.

She seems to spend a lot of time with her extended family members e.g. auntie's, uncle, nanny's etc. She goes to her family with her brother when her mum and dad are at work. Someone from her family will pick her and her brother up from nursery. She has quite a lot of confidence in front of her family but no in front off strangers. She doesn't have many tantrums; she will have odd ones but that is very rare.

She takes turn when she is playing a game and plays with children fairly. She has good relationship with adults and other children. She goes nursery and gets on great with her nursery teachers and the children. She plays with all the children in nursery. She plays with her cousins that go the nursery and her twin brother. Her older cousins attend the school as well. (*From around three years of age friendship will become increasingly important, and children will in many ways become less socially dependant on parents, Family and carers.) She would come home form nursery and tell us what she has done in nursery, e.g. played in the sandpit, painted, and played in the tent or dolls house. She will play with toys for long time and play with people. She likes playing with her cousins, as there are a lot of toddler cousins around her age. She knows their names and if she is in the can she knows whose house she is going towards. She will share her toys with her brother and her cousins and friends, she enjoys playing with them/
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Lauren has good set of manners and she uses them in the correct places at the correct time. When someone gives her something she will say 'thank you'. She understands what manners are! Her attitude towards other people doesn't change. Unless they say something to her that she doesn't like. She treats people the way they treat her. Lauren has good table manners; she will eat with her knife and fork but doesn't always use her knife as most of her food is already cut up for her.

Lauren can play in a group with children. But ...

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