Have you ever felt life was helpless? Have you ever lost all hope

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English speaking and Listening

Have you ever felt life was helpless? Have you ever lost all hope? Have you ever wondered weather God had abandoned you, leaving you to face this world alone? I have. Who am I? My name is Antonio. It means gift of life. I am now an orphan. No mother, no father. My parents passed away, leaving me at nine years of age, along with my sister Rita.

My mother died of a disease. I don't even know what it was called. Her death tore us apart. Life was different after her death and it was difficult for us to move on. There were some, like my father, who were never able to accept it. This pain causing him to die, leaving his two children behind. Both of our parents are now gone. No one to turn to, because the rest of the family turned their backs on us. They've never really accepted us.
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Thinking that both parents dying in the period of a year was the worst to possibly happen to little boy like me, but no, life got even worse. My sister and I ended up in the streets of Brazil. Lying there, sleeping during the day and begging at night. But all the begging never got us anywhere. People didn't even have enough for themselves, let alone enough for someone else.

The streets were horrible and scary, especially at night. You will never know how dangerous it is, till the danger strikes you. I remember that night ...

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