Investigating the factors the affect the heat change in a neutralisation reaction.

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Investigating the factors the affect the heat change in a

neutralisation reaction

Background information

Substances that neutralise acids are called bases. Bases are alkali -

they have pH's above 7; acids are acidic, and have pH's below 7.

Bases that can dissolve in water are also known as alkalis.


Acids are compounds of non-metals with simple molecular structures.

They all contain hydrogen (H) covalently bonded to other elements,

like HCl, or H2SO4 (hydrochloric and sulphuric acid respectively).

When an acid is dissolved in water, its molecules ionise. The

hydrogen present in every acid has the potential to ionise; if it

does, it becomes an H+ ion. It is the H+ ions that give acids their

acidic properties. The amount of an acid's molecules that ionise in

water determines the strength of its acidity. Vinegar, for instance,

is a weak acid, an only 1 in about 100,000 of its molecules ionise; on

the other hand, almost all molecules of HCl ionise. This means that

in an acid-base reaction involving vinegar, there are less H+ ions

available to react, and so less bonds are made compared to an

acid-base reaction involving HCl. Bond making is exothermic, and so

less energy is given out. Stronger acids (those with a higher number

of H+ particles that can dissolve in water) have a lower pH.


Just as all acids contain H+ ions, all alkalis contain OH- ions, and

it is this OH- (hydroxide) ion that gives alkalis their alkali


Bases are usually oxides, hydroxides, or carbonates of metal. Ammonia

is unusual in this respect, as it contains no metal element. Alkali

substances are also very corrosive, and can do even more damage to

living cells than acids.

The neutralisation reaction

NaOH(aq) + HCl (aq) NaCl(aq) + H2O(l)

The above is an example of a neutralisation reaction, involving an

alkali and an acid. The result is a salt and water. In every

neutralisation reaction, the metal in the base (Na+ here) takes the

place of the Hydrogen in the acid, forming a metal compound called a

salt. The term salt is used to describe any compound formed by the

reaction between a base and an acid.

From the above equation, we can break up these molecules into this:

Na+(aq) + OH-(aq) + H+(aq) + Cl-(aq)

Na+(aq) + Cl-(aq) + HHO(l)

The Na+ and Cl- on the left side of the equation are present at the

end of the equation (on the right side), and are known as spectator

ions, as they have not chemically reacted. Therefore, the equation

can be rewritten, with just the reactants, as:

OH-(aq) + H+(aq) H2O(l)

This equation occurs in all acid/alkali neutralisation reactions where

the salt is soluble - hydrogen ions from the acid react with hydroxide

ions from the alkali to form water. The neutralisation reaction is

exothermic because of the bonds being made (OH- + H+ bonding together

to make H2O). This reaction can be generalised to apply to any

reaction between a base and an acid:

acid + base salt + water
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If the base happens to be a carbonate, then carbon dioxide is formed

as well (e.g. calcium carbonate, CaCO3):

CaCO3 + 2HCl CaCl2 + CO2 + H2O

Calcium + Hydrochloric Calcium + carbon + water

carbonate acid

chloride dioxide


A single mole of an element contains 6 × 1023 atoms of that element.

It is a convenient unit of measurement as this amount of atoms has a

mass equal to that of the relative atomic mass of the element in

grams. This number is called the Avogadro ...

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