Investigation to find out how the rate of reaction between sodium thiosulphate and hydrochloric acid is affected by changing the concentration

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We place the reaction mixture on a paper with a black cross-drawn on it. When the cross is completely obscured, the reaction will have finished. The time taken for this to happen is the measure of the rate of reaction. We must do this several times, and change the concentration of sodium thiosulphate.

The rate of reaction is a measure of the change that happens during a reaction in a single unit of time. The things that affect the rate of reaction are as follows:

· Surface area of the reactants

· Concentration of the reactants

· The temperature at which the reaction is carried out

· Light

· Use of a catalyst

Rate of reaction = I/T

The factor, which we are using, is Concentration of the reactants.


Increasing the temperature of a reaction increases the rate of a reaction. At the higher temperatures reactant particles move faster and collide more often and more violently. Increasing the temperature will cause the particles to move faster with more energy. They will therefore collide. If they have more energy they will collide with grater force this means there is more successful collision per second and therefore a faster rate of reaction.

Surface Area

Breaking up solids into smaller pieces increases reaction rate because this increases the total surface area. Increasing the surface area must increase the number of particles of the solid in contact with the other reactant in solution.


Using a catalyst increases the rate of a reaction. Catalysts are not used up in a reaction. A catalyst is a substance that increases a reaction rate without being used up by the reaction. It does this by lowering the activation energy for the reaction, thus allowing the reaction to proceed at a lower temperature. If a solid reactant or a solid catalyst is broken down into smaller pieces the rate of reaction increases. The speed increase happens because smaller pieces of the same mass of solid have a greater surface area compared to larger pieces of the solid. Therefore, there is more chance that a reactant particle will hit the solid surface and react. Catalysts increase the rate of a reaction by helping break chemical bonds in reactant molecules. This effectively means the Activation Energy is reduced (see diagram below). Therefore at the same temperature, more reactant molecules have enough kinetic energy to react compared to the uncatalysed situation. Although a true catalyst does take part in the reaction, it does not get used up and can be reused with more reactants. A solid catalyst might change physically by becoming more finely divided, especially if the reaction is exothermic.


Increasing the concentration of reactants increases the rate of a reaction. This is because there are more particles in the same volume so more collisions are possible every second. If there is more of a substance in a system there is a higher chance that molecules will collide and speed up the rate of the reaction. If there is less of something there will be fewer collisions and the reaction will probably happen at a slower speed. If the concentration of any reactant in a solution is increased, the rate of reaction is increased. Increasing the concentration increases the probability of a collision between reactant particles because there are more of them in the same volume. Examples...
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Activation energy

For a chemical reaction to take place, some bonds in the reactants must be broken. The colliding particles must have enough energy to break these bonds. This minimum amount of energy is called the activation energy. Only the very fastest moving particles have enough energy to break bonds.

In gases, liquids and in solution, the particles move at a range of speeds. Some are moving very slowly and others are moving very fast. To react, particles must collide with enough energy and in the correct orientation for bonds to be broken.



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