"Art is the best way to express religious ideas and values."

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“Art is the best way to express religious ideas and values.”

It is very difficult to agree or disagree with this statement because there are many other good ways to express religion, such as music, dance and literature.  Each of these ways is very different from one another but I feel inclined to agree with this statement because art lasts for a long time and because it can portray complex ideas in a quick and simple way.  Also even if people are illiterate or if languages change then the paintings and issues will still be understood because of the use of symbols, whereas if they were written down then thoughts may be lost or misunderstood.

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Symbols are used a great deal in religious paintings.  We went to the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford to look at religious paintings that use symbols to portray different issues and thoughts.

There are many common symbols in these paintings such as doves, symbolising the Holy Spirit and important people wearing blue or if they were religious figures not wearing blue then they would have a gold halo over their heads. Colours are used an awful lot as signs. Blue means the figure is an important or religious person. Red is a sign of danger and suffering as it is the ...

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