Describe and explain the part in which art plays in worship and spiritual life of a Christians.

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I chose the unit, religion and spirituality because I’m interested in all types of arts. I have visited very many art galleries in spare time, and seen a wide range of various styles and genres of paintings. One famous gallery I have visited is the Ufizzi gallery in Florence, Italy. This gallery has many original religious painting by many, famous artists. I have seen a wide range of artists work, that is then reason I am doing this unit so I can research more about the ways religions understand paintings, and the ways they decorate the churches. While visiting Italy I have seen many cathedrals and churches with the painted ceilings and great statues of saints. So this will help me understand more about religion and spirituality.

Describe and explain the part in which art plays in worship and spiritual life of a Christians.

Spirituality can be anything specifically religious to do with god or a human religious experience at depth where spirituality is found in human spirit. Art and spirituality are concerned with inner life; an artist would draw based on their inner life and experiences and show this creativity. Arts are used for expressing feelings and emotions in drawing, paintings and sculptures. A reason and planning are needed to do this even though the viewer may look at the piece and only see a feeling or emotional response, which could be one of awe wonder or empathy at the pain and suffering in the world.

“Art gives people a way to show their spirituality”

Art contributes to spiritual life because, it expresses human longing and develops the imagination, and it shows reflection on deep human experiences, it searches for a meaning and truth. Art often transforms something ordinary into something with more meaning. Art gives people a way to show their own spirituality. In a painting a person may see what in painted as a whole where as the artist has captured much more meaning and is waiting for us to be formed.

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“…It’s hard to know where one ends and the other begins.”

Art has always been used in religion, religious art used in the past medieval times were stain glass windows with religious authorities and saints, and people then were not into literacy so bible stories were pictorial. In the modern day art is used as an aid to devotion to the bible. Art visualises experience and hopes. Religion inspires creativity in the arts. Art is a way of communicating and can challenge beliefs and values; it is a means of religious advertisement. Sometimes art and religion are separate ...

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