Fantasy Art

“The fantasy illustrator takes the pictorial conventions of realistic portrayal and then manipulates and inverts them to create marvellous worlds for which there can be no earthly analogy” 1


Fantasy art has been a part of all human society throughout history. It is found in ‘abnormal’ forms, folklore, mythology, fairytales, religion and science fiction. Fantasy art is a genre that has evolved through the past centuries. Many could say the start could be found in surrealism, however mythological stories are based in fantasy, as it helps you tap into your unconscious mind and explore meanings to things you could never imagine. This essay will help us understand what leads us to present fantasy art factors such as films, media … etc. may have effected this.

Fantasy has always existed in people’s thoughts throughout time. All ideas and stories of fantasy have been developed and shown through art and fantasy literature both have always been and still are very strongly linked. With recent hits of ‘new age’ themes and a high interest in fantasy. Fantasy art is now one of the most profitable areas in art. Fantasy artists, great modern artists enjoy the great fame inside their field, yet they are often unknown and unnoticed outside it.

Fantasy art looks really easy and fun but it is one of the most challenging genres to depict successfully. To create a fantasy you take an untrue element and mix it with a reality, that does sound easy, but the hardest part is mix the two elements in such a way that they look very convincing to the audience. It is easy to pick up a pencil and paper and draw up with a man with horns, but to make the sky feel like an eerie atmosphere, to tone the man up to make him look like an overgrown ape is actually challenging as you do not have a primary source to work from. Fantasy art is mainly done through the imagination. The way in which artists accomplish these feats will be investigated, as well as the artists who have surpassed simply reaching these goals to create truly spectacular work.

High Fantasy  

“I mean by a picture a beautiful romantic of something that never was, never will be – in a light better than any light that ever shone – in a land no one can define or remember, only desire” 2

“Fantasy may be almost all things to all men” 3

It is hard to describe what fantasy is exactly to a pinpoint as it is a very broad subject, but to break it down for us to understand it better there are two main fantasies, high fantasy and low fantasy.

High fantasy, in terms of art and literature, is one of other worlds and other worldly creatures. They include a lot of fantastic elements and gain more credibility in that these other worlds don’t need to adhere to the science and rules of the primary world. Fantastic events and creatures may be everyday occurrence. Hence low fantasy includes all mythology, fairytales and fiction that includes fanciful and non-rational phenomena, but exists within our world.

Realism and Fantasy

The use of a secondary world is just one element of high fantasy to achieve the effect of creating something so fantastic in theme, but plausible enough to not only be dismissed, but to fool the audience into thinking its real and there is a world out there in existence of such fantasy.

“Realism and naturalism, for example, are defined by those elements of the real world they retain; fantasy, on the other hand, is defined by those aspects of reality it denies by representation that are not merely improbable or untrue…but patently false”5

For many artists drawing a fantasy creature only gives out half the effect, the other half is in the ‘fact’. There has to be an element of the picture where the viewer can find a common ground e.g. a beach stones, a window, a cloudy sky etc. If one element of the picture is ‘grounded’ the artist can safely put out the picture and hope to lure them into a false reality.

“The base line of reality, therefore, is always implicit in even the most errant fantasy, and in the tension between these solid, familiar unalterable givens of experience and the particular denials of the element that constitute the fiction is generates the special delight that fantasy afford us”6

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Artists tend to use humans to tie together fantasy and reality, the basic human form is altered, many features added on, mammals are tend to be used a lot in high fantasy realms, fairies, mermaids, centaurs, anamorphic beings, the artist always leaves enough human form to tie us back to reality.

The relatively new occurrence of the “secondary worlds” has given artists vast freedom to create within the theme of fantasy. Elements from their imagination, from myth, from stereotypical fantasy merge and grow to create vivid new worlds on canvas, on paper and more recently digitally.

If ...

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