Techniques of the Selected Works of Two Comic Strip Authors (L'Autoroute du Soleil by Baru and Journal d'un Album - L'anne dernire by Phillipe Dupuy)

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        Bande Dessinée: Techniques of Selected Works             

Bande Dessinée: Techniques of the Selected Works of Two Comic Strip Authors (L'Autoroute du Soleil by Baru and Journal d’un Album - L'année dernière by Phillipe Dupuy)                  


As Ms. Teresa Torres Eça so aptly puts it:

Reading comics needs a constant reflection about the underlying ideologies and a very wide knowledge of literature, history of art, mythology and general history in order to completely understand the explicit and hidden references that are constantly used in comics. Interpreting and making comics is a form of knowledge about internal stylistic, metaphoric, iconic, formal or expressive means. It develops drawing, narrative and creative skills while providing the opportunity to express personal visions of the world. Although reading comics has several layers of understanding, interpreting comics is not superficial; it needs careful attention and disciplinary knowledge, especially if it is going to be used as a learning tool. (2004)

Hopefully this paper will meet the objective of demonstrating a growing understanding of what the reading, viewing and interpretation of comics and –more specific to our topic– bande dessinée, really means, as well as some of the techniques that are involved in both the creation and appreciation of two francophone comics in particular: L’autoroute du Soleil by Baru and L’annee Derniere by Phillip Dupuy.

Bande Dessinée: Techniques of the Selected Works of Two Comic Strip Authors (L'Autoroute du Soleil by Baru and Journal d’un Album - L'année dernière by Phillipe Dupuy)


Bande Dessinée (BD) or francophone “drawn strips” –a term preferred by BD authors and scholars as opposed to “comic strips”, which they sustain would imply limitation of subject-matter to the comical (Wikipedia, 2005)– is also known as the Ninth Art or le neuvième art.  Two important, award-winning exponents of the ninth art are Baru (born Hervé Barulea, 1947, France) and Phillipe Dupuy (born 1960, France).

Baru works by himself, serving as both the writer and artist of his strips and albums (works over 60 pages in length). He began by drawing on his experiences from his teenage years and travels in the 1960's. His debut came in 1982, when he got published in Pilote, but it wasn’t until 1995 that his 400+ page album, L'Autoroute du Soleil (The Highway of the Sun), considered his breakthrough work, allowed him to gain exposure to larger audiences (Comiclopedia, 2005).

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In contrast, almost from the start of his career, Dupuy has worked as part of the duo known as Berberian-Dupuy (often mistaken for a single person bearing a sophisticated, hyphenated surname but actually the simple combination of the surnames of Charles Berberian and Phillipe Dupuy). Dupuy had begun his career working for several different BD magazines over a three-year period, but when he met Berberian there was immediate synergy and from then on it has been a partnership, if not made in heaven, at least made for the delight of BD fans around the world.

L'Autoroute du Soleil

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