Account of the Activity - Beneficial Finance, the place where I worked for my work experience.

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 Account of the Activity

Beneficial Finance, the place where I worked for my work experience was a one floor, quite a large main big office where most of the people worked and to the side there were a couple smaller offices, at the back of the main room there were a storage room and the staff room. Which was used quite regularly.

        The sort of work that Beneficial Finance do, is giving credit or loans to people who cant get them from major banks i.e. Barclays or Natwest. HSC bank works together with beneficial finance, the credit is given when a customer buys a product from a certain company most of the loans that were given were from Courts, the furniture shop.

        All the employees whilst at my working experience were welcoming and friendly, some were quite and just got on with their work, but some were quite outgoing and funny i.e. make jokes, there were some pretty funny stories and conversations too.

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        The workers in the office had varied jobs i.e. photocopying, printing, computer work, phoning people, going out visiting people who owed money, like a bailiff, posting letters, writing letters and inputting data into computers.

        In each morning the branch manager (Leon) gives out a target for the workers to aim for, for the day, this would include money targets and hopefully an amount of clients each worker had to get in each day. This was usually around 3-5 people.

        The citizenship work (preliminary work for the coursework) fit into what the company did because it helped me understand more about ...

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