Business Ethics and Moral Behaviour

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Agne Griauslyte

BTEC National in Business

Business Ethics and Moral Behaviour – Assignment 1


In this assignment I am going to explain and analyze the ethical issues the businesses have to overcome. How ethical issues affect business success and local community. I am going to outline the key issues surrounding Coca-cola’s presence in India and demonstrate how this causes an ethical dilemma.

At the second part of my assignment I am going to identify who the ‘primary stakeholders’ in Coca-Cola  case study are and describe how they have been affected by Coca-cola’s behaviour.


Ethics is a study of moral. Discussion of what is right and wrong. Ethical rules depend on personal believes, religion and background. It is based on people behaviour and activity. Ethics decide rules and regulations on people behaviour. Ethical rules and regulations are different in different countries. What people think is the right things to do in one country may not think that it is the right thing to do in another country. People judgments on others behaviours are called ethical rules and regulations. People use those rules for different situation, for example, to solve environmental issues. Different countries make their own ethical rules and regulation, because people have different beliefs in different countries. Companies also make their own rules, but when companies decide to expand their business into another country, they have to consider what ethical beliefs are in that country, so the company follows ethical rules of that country. Pressure groups, such as environmental unions make companies to follow ethical rules and regulations.

Businesses have to consider the impact of their activities on stakeholders. Some companies do not consider the impact of their activities on stakeholders and this cause ethical issue, if the impact of the activity on stakeholders is negative. Coca cola caused widespread concern and a string of claim and counter claim by residents of the local community and the company after their operations in the southern Indian state of Kerala.

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Ethical Issues of Coca Cola

In 1998 Coca Cola expanded to India in the southern state if Kerala. Local community started to complain about the amount of water available to them and have blamed the fall in supplies on Coca Cola who, they claim, use up to a million litres per day at the plant. In order to make a good profit Coca Cola did not care about local community and used a lot of water for their own company’s benefit. This is an ethical issue. In order to be a successful and respectful company, the organisation has ...

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