Cash Flow Report

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Unit 5


Nasimsadat Moeindarbari

Dear Apu,

As you asked me, I prepared a 12 month cash flow forecast to enable you to manage your cash. As I did that, I find out that your cash flow forecasting is worrying and you should change some of your expenses. As you can see in the cash flow forecast that I prepared for you, the closing balance in June is -1820 which is not good at all. The closing balance in June shows that after 1 year with all your sales and expenses, you didn’t get any profit at all and also you loss 1820.

There are some problems in your cash flow forecast:

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  1. In some months, September, October, January, February, April and June, your outflows are greater than your inflows. It means you spend more than what you get so you get net cash flow which means you are making loss.
  2. From August to Jan, the out flow is approximately increasing in these months which mean less cash is available in your business.
  3. In February, April and June you have negative closing balance which means you need to use overdraft. (This means you are in debt to the bank.)
  4. Another problem that I saw in your cash flow forecasting is ...

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