Discuss the importance of ethical considerations when carrying out research on humans.

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Patrick Doyle        12/01/2010                

Discuss the importance of ethical considerations when carrying out research on humans.

Ethical considerations are an important part of research. In the past, experiments have been carried that were considered to be unethical, for example a famous experiment of Kraft Ebbing in 1897. In his early work, Krafft-Ebing inoculated general paresis patients with syphilis (Pennington 2002 p.497). Since they did not contract the , he concluded that they must have had it previously, developing immunity. In this fashion, Krafft-Ebing demonstrated the link between syphilis and general paresis. These experiments harmed participants. Today, guidelines that outline ethical considerations that need to be observed exist. The four main areas for discussion in ethical considerations are: consent, deception, debriefing and society vs. the individual.

Ethics are defined as the system of moral values or the way that right is distinguished from wrong. The British Psychological Society (Cardwell 1996 p.258) sets out ethical considerations that include the need to protect participants from harm and the need to gain informed consent from the participants. Anonymity must also be protected and the option to withdraw from the experiment must be allowed throughout. If ethical considerations are followed it adds credibility to the research carried out. Good research stems from mutual respect between researchers and participants.

Informed consent is not always possible to gain. Participants must be able to give informed consent to take part in any research or experiment. This means that the experiments’ aims and objectives must be explained in a clear way. This helps to protect the participants from any offence or harm. Researchers must not allow their position of authority over the participants to influence the consent of that person. In some experiments payment is offered to participants. This must not be allowed to influence participants into entering into a situation that will lead them to harm outside of their normal life. For example using the allure of money on a homeless person to enter into a dangerous situation would not be considered ethical. Consent must also be allowed to be withdrawn at any time. Participants might enter into an experiment and then change their mind; this change of mind must be allowed to happen, even after payment has been accepted by the participant. This is so that participants do not feel that they have to complete the experiment under duress.

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The withholding of information from participants is considered, on the whole, to be unacceptable when conducting research on humans (The British Psychological Society). However, in some cases where the revealing of the objectives of the experiment will alter the behaviour of participants it is considered acceptable. When other methods have been explored, for example, the selection of a random sample that is exposed to the design of the experiment, including the deception, this sample would then comment on how they would feel and react to taking part in the experiment. Some deception can be more damaging than others. The ...

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