effective customer service

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Effective Customer Service

The impact of effective and ineffective customer service on the organisation

The major effects of poor customer service are mainly that visitors, who experienced the poor service will go and tell their friends (potential customers) how bad the business is and turning away new business. The positive publicity of consistently good customer service will encourage customers to increase revenue and income from visitors who received good customer service and told their friends who will also return back to the business.

Customer Service Skills

There are numerous skills needed in order to offer effective and efficient customer service including skills like communication, interpersonal skills, and product knowledge. In order for an employee to provide excellent customer service they ought to have the following qualities like friendliness, helpfulness, effective use of body language, excellent product knowledge as there is no point in selling a product that you are not fully aware of, listening skills, courtesy and effective complaint handling skills.

Communication Skills

Communication is paramount to maintain effective customer service. Some methods of communication can be verbal, written, visual, and electronic.

Face-to-face, communication involves people talking square on to one another. This type of communication can take place in formal meetings, coffee room/ staff room, one-on-one coaching and job interviews, face-to-face communication mainly involves eye contact, often face to face communication is not possible for various reasons that could be that they do not have the finance to travel across the country, or the language ability to comprehend maybe minimal. The staff will have to deal with angry customers, or speaking to a large group of people, even trying to get the attention of a high level/ authority.

Face to face, communication can be done through Chester Zoo’s visitor services because it is where the customers can communicate with the staff. In addition, complaints are part of face-to-face communication because the customers can tell the staff or manager what the problem is and how they could go about solving it. Finally, presentations are given by using face-to-face communication as staff have a chance to talk to their visitors and tell them about Chester Zoo, their products and services. Chester Zoo uses face-to-face communication to their advantage as the majority of their visitors prefer to speak to the staff face on, as this can help visitors to understand how the staff react by analysing their body language towards them, which cannot be done over the phone or by an email.

Written Communication

In most business written communication is commonly used, some methods are memos, reports, bulletins, job descriptions, manuals etc. Chester Zoo use memos within the organisation to pass any notices across departments informing other employees about recent updates within the zoo. Written communication tends to persuade the customers whilst using letter, proposals, faxes, adverts, press releases. Written communication can be a strength for Chester Zoo because when using written communication in businesses are mainly that written messages do not have to be sent off within a second, instead can be edited or revised many times before it is actually sent off. In addition, written communication provides a permanent record of any messages sent and can be stored over any length of time. With this form of communication, it enables the reader to re-read the letter or report etc as many times to clarify, providing the appropriate feedback. Written communication may also enhance customer satisfaction, improves the businesses efficiency, and also enhances the image of the business with the community and the industry.

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However, written communication can also prove to be a weakness for Chester Zoo because in comparison with verbal communication the sender would be normally get instant feedback but however, it is not the case with written communication, it may take a day or two at least to receive a response, slowing down business activity. Written messages also take a long time to produce and gather the appropriate. However, Chester Zoo also may need to take into consideration any employees who may struggle to access the written message they may need to provide an alternative for those members of staff, or ...

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