Employability and personal skills are very important for recruiting a staff member in Tesco

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Assess the importance of employability, and personal skills in the recruitment and retention of staff in a selected organisation.

Employability skills:

  • Suitable qualifications
  • Experience in a similar role
  • Knowledge of products and services
  • Experience of specific industry
  • Effectiveness in meeting personal and team targets.
  • Ability to observe and raise professional standards.

Personal Skills:

  • Patient and hard-working
  • Team worker
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Co-operation
  • Negotiation

Importance of employability and personal skills in Tesco:

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Employability and personal skills are very important for recruiting a staff member in Tesco. Tesco needs to see the suitable qualifications of the employee for the job. If the person has got the right qualifications required for the job. Tesco cannot recruit a staff member who has not got the suitable qualifications for the job. Tesco needs to know whether if the person has experience in a similar job role because they cannot recruit a person who is completely new to the job as he will not know how to manage things properly. It is very important for the new ...

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