"Failure of the Australian legal system to provide true justice have been blamed on its use of the adversarial method and on its relative in accessibility to many ordinary people. Discuss."

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 “Failure of the Australian legal system to provide true justice have been blamed on its use of the adversarial method and on its relative in accessibility to many ordinary people. Discuss.”

        The Australian legal system uses the adversary system in solving legal disputes. The adversary system is a judicial process where an independent and impartial judge administers justice in courts and two opposing parties present allegations and counter allegations regarding a legal dispute placed before the court by one or both parties. (B.Bash, 2001, Legal Studies Essentials, pg.164)

The adversary system has many basic features and are elaborated in the following. First and foremost, the disputes take place before an independent and impartial judge or judge and jury. (Brown & Bailey, 1997, Legal Studies, pg.173, para 8) The judge in the adversary system has a passive role, meaning that they are independent from the executive body and cannot simultaneously perform functions of the Judicial and Executive or Legislative body. This is also an enforcement of the Doctrine of Separation of Power. The judge is also a person who has no personal interest in the outcome of the case. Other than that, the judge also has the role of determining the admissibility of evidence at a voir dire, oversee the empanelment of jury, act as an adviser to the jury, and protecting the rights of the witnesses, accused, and victims. (B.Bash, 2001, Legal Studies Essentials, pg.165) The next feature of the adversary system is that the parties have control over the case. (Brown & Bailey, 1997, Legal Studies, pg.174, para 1) This is said in the sense that parties are responsible in collecting evidence, calling witnesses, choosing their lawyers, submissions and objections. It can be said that everything is up to the parties before and during the trial and the judge is there to ensure correct legal rules are followed. Another feature of the adversary system is that it is a single continuous trial. (Brown & Bailey, 1997, Legal Studies, pg.174, para 1) This means that once the trial is started, it will not stop until a verdict is reached. Other than that, in an adversary system, there are strict rules of evidence and procedure. (B.Bash, 2001, Legal Studies Essentials, pg.165) This means that only certain types of evidence are admissible in courts, for example, direct evidence, and some others are not, such as hearsay evidence. The next feature of the adversary system is that the use of legal representatives is essential. This is mainly because in the adversary system, the truth is said to be discovered through powerful argument. The presumption of innocence until proven guilty is also another feature of the adversary system. The accused has to be proven guilty beyond reasonable doubt and anytime before that, he is innocent, even considering the fact that he was charged and arrested. That only simply means that the person has been accused of a crime. (Brown & Bailey, 1997, Legal Studies, pg.175, para 1) The other features in the adversary system are, the right to remain silent, which means that the defendant has the right to choose not to say anything. This comes under the rule of law and its objective is to protect the defendant. Then there also is the types of verdict available in the adversary system. There are only two types of verdicts in an adversary system being guilty or not guilty. Last but not least, the right to opt for trial by jury is an important feature of the adversary system. This can be found under section 80 of the Constitution.

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However, the adversarial system does have its’ disadvantages. One of the disadvantages are that the adversary system has high costs as there are various fees such as lawyer’s fees, witness fees, court administration fees, payments of jurors, etc… Other than that, even after the introduction of case flow management, there are long delays and hence making courts less accessible to low-income earners. (B.Bash, 2001, Legal Studies Essentials, pg.166) Due to all these costs and prolonged processes, the system has a greater impact on the lower class groups in the community. Another disadvantage that should be greatly highlighted comes fro ...

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