For my business I will use the 4p's these are - product, price, place, promotion.

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For my business I will use the 4p’s these are:

  • Product
  • Price
  • Place
  • promotion

I have written about these 4p’s for my business in detail below.

The products that will be sold in my retail outlet will mostly be associated with home entertainment, mainly games and other goods which are associated with games and consoles. As well as games my retail outlet will also so sell game magazines, DVD’s, and I will also sell a few other accessories. I will try to have a wide range of products as I think that it would be better and so people will have a wider choice of good so they will come there often, I will also try to get a lot of the popular goods as people will want these more and if I always have the stock people will buy the good if they are in stock but I will not wan to much of one product as it may be harder for me to sell the product.


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For my business I could use the following methods to help give my products a successful yet profitable price.

I think that cost-plus pricing is the simplest method of deciding the price of a product. This is how to work out cost- plus pricing:


                        Unit cost + overheads + profit margin

                                        = selling price

I could also use Price skimming this is when the prices of my good are set at a low enough price to make little profit but this is done so that the good is sold at a low price but it still makes money ...

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