Henri Fayol

Henri Fayol was a French management theorist, who was one of the most influential contributors to modern concepts of management. He emphasised the importance of taking a wider view, i.e. the organisation as a whole, but the analytical approach was similar.        

Having a Managing director role of a large coal mining company, he analysed his and other businesses for methods of achieving optimum performance.

He devised a divide between the industry productions into six individual activities:

  • Technical (production)
  • Organisation (material and human structures)
  • Financial (optimum use of capital)
  • Security (protection of property and persons)
  • Accounting (including statistics)
  • Managerial

He then divided managerial section into five other elements:

  • Foresight (forecasting and planning)
  • Organisation (material and human structures)
  • Command (maintenance of activity)
  • Co-ordination
  • Control

Many years later he devised what he called “The 14 principles of management” They are as follows:

  1. Division of work – opportunities for increased efficiency through specialisation.

At the Ford Bridgend plant, they use Computer Aided Manufacture (CAM) machines to lower job time dramatically. By using CAM they are generating more productivity whilst not compromising on accuracy or quality. This is great for Ford as they are able to ship out more engines on demand, though it can make jobs a little boring for employees.

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  1. Authority and responsibility – to be related, for management to be effective

Ford Bridgend implements the use of a ‘lean management team’ this structure consists of a Plant manager, Area manager and a Foreman. Managers are responsible for keeping certain areas running; this means that they have the power to discipline employees that are not producing to a certain level.

  1. Discipline – effective discipline requires good managers at all levels

Unit of Command – employers should receive orders from only one superior.

The quality of output is a key element at Ford and ...

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