How has tesco achieved Competitive advantage

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How has Tesco achieved Competitive Advantage?

Tesco is the largest retailer with over 1,878 stores and with 23.3 million square feet of retail space. The key to Tesco’s success is the development of the retail estate where the low prices, high quality and experienced customer services has lead to continuing growth of profits. According to the Daily Telegraph’s latest research Tesco now owns more than 30% of the grocery market in the UK.

Tesco’s started out in 1924, the name Tesco was not the surname of the owner (Cohen) but a collaboration of his tea suppliers “TES” and the first two letters of his name “CO”, thus creating the name Tesco and making marketing history.

Tesco has become the first UK retailer to get annual profits of more than £2 Billion. Tesco's overall turnover increased 12.4% to £37.1bn, with sales in the UK making up £29.5bn of that figure. Tesco’s announced in 2007 that they had reached a £2.55 billion profit. Figure 1.


Figure 2 shows just how successful Tesco is not only in the UK but overseas as well. Sir Terry Leahy, chief executive of the overseas expansion says that Tesco has only grown its profits by growing sales and making the stores more attractive. Tesco has expanded into countries worldwide shown in Figure 2, some of those countries that Tesco has had a large impact on are places such as Poland, Slovakia etc. Tesco regularly makes small acquisitions to expand its international businesses. For example, in its 2005/06 financial year it made one in South Korea, one in Poland and one in Japan. Their total international sales grew by 21.3% to £5.3%billion. In Asia sales grew by 21.8% to £2.3 billion. The graphs and other figures are in the appendix Figure 3.

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Tesco originally started out selling food, but diversified into their own label and different ranges within their own label. This is helping them achieve competitive advantage because this way they are meeting everybody’s needs. Their own Tesco Value label, is cheap and good quality for its money mainly aimed at families and those with low-income levels. Tesco’s Finest range provides a far higher quality in food but is slightly more expensive, unlike Tesco Value it is aimed at higher earning families as this range contains ingredients prepared by some of Tesco’s top chefs.  Tesco has also identified different groups ...

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**** This is well applied and the writer has clearly found out some things about Tesco. The essay could be improved with a better structure, including a systematic analysis of Tesco's marketing mix, and their competition.