I completed a six week summer internship at BP. During my internship I had to plan many of my tasks in order to be successful.

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I completed a six week summer internship at BP. During my internship I had to plan many of my tasks in order to be successful.

One way I planned my work was to prioritise my work. I got lots of work that I needed to complete and I needed to priorities my work in order for it to be completed within the deadlines I was given. Therefore, I had a diary where I recorded all of the tasks that I needed to complete and I put them in order for the time they needed to complete by. I also made sure I didn’t take on any other work from my team as my main priority was my own work.

Another way I planned my work was to negotiate realistic targets and setting timescales with my line manager. My manager would give me a list of tasks complete and it was important we agreed on a fair deadline. Agreeing to a deadline would mean that I would be able to complete the work in the timeframe and also be happy and less pressured than I would with a small deadline.

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Furthermore, I had to be flexible with the work I was given. I had to take the responsibility of when I would complete my work. I had to decide what work I would do at what time and stay beyond my hours to ensure I could complete the tasks that I needed to do within the time I had.

There are different tools I used to ensure I planned my time well in order to complete the work. Firstly, I had an action plan. I sat down with my manager we decided what the best way to is more ...

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