I will make a website about computers this will include issues on hardware and software

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Name: Shayaz Miah

Candidate No:

Centre No: 15223


  1. Introduction

I will make a website about computers this will include issues on hardware and software.

It will be aimed at people new to computers and people who would like to know basic things.

I will put on my website how to use a simple word processing program. There will be videos and some audio and graphics and text.

I will also explain simple meanings of words e.g. RAM, GHZ, MHZ. There will be a section also showing the inside bits of the computers.

2. Collecting Information For the Task

Key Skill 1

Find different types of information from IT sources and non-IT sources

  • I will get pictures, videos, some audio & text mostly from the Internet because it has an adequate amount; I also may get some images & text from magazines and books these will be my non-it.


Key Skill 13

Identify suitable sources of information

  • I have searched on the internet for information there is a screen dump below of me searching for information on the search engine google.

Example 1

I need to find a picture suitable for my front cover/home page

  • A suitable picture can easily be obtained from a magazine there and then be scanned in there is a picture below of a picture that has been scanned in which can be used for my front page.

Example 2. I can get this information from the Internet –website address or from Clipart – eg. The MS Word Clipart Gallery

  • For my site I need pictures of motherboards and other parts of a computer for this I had to go to a search engine. The search engine I used was google. I typed in pictures of motherboards.

Search page and search title.

I then chose a website which led me to the this page.

Key Skill 14 and 17

14: Search for information using multiple criteria

17: Explore information as needed for your purpose

  • For my website I needed more detailed pictures so I had to type in more detailed search titles there is a screenshot below.
  • I typed in Computers and Software.

  • Make sure that you include a screenshot of the search AFTER you have run it and then actually select one of the sites it has found, go into it and get a screenshot of it.

  • The picture is needed in my website so people that it is aimed will understand this website is about computers.

3. Selecting Information to go into the Book

Key Skill 2 and 15

2: Decide what information is relevant for your purpose

15: Interpret information and decide what is relevant to your purpose

  • The screenshot below has a lot of information the information which is need for my purpose Is highlighted the information which is not relevant is not highlighted.

  • The reason the highlighted parts of the text and pictures are relevant is because these parts talk about word processing and this is needed for me to use in one of my links on my website. The parts which are not highlighted are irrelevant because they talk about hardware which is not relevant for the link.
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The key difference between Key skill 2 and Key skill 15 is your reasons for choosing the information/picture.  If you do not give reasons you cannot get Key Skill 15, only Key Skill 2!

Remember that you must include one of the pictures you found as a result of searching the internet.  You must include a non IT source and an IT source.  You must also include what you found as a result of the searches for Key Skill 14.

4. Developing Information to Present to the Children

Key Skill 4

Explore information


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