"In order to find out how things really are, one must understand the filters through which one perceives the world." Discuss and evaluate this claim.

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“In order to find out how things really are, one must understand the filters through which one perceives the world.” Discuss and evaluate this claim.

Have you ever considered the Knowledge you receive? What are its origin, destination and purpose? The previously stated claim illustrates, that if you want to know the real picture of the situation, you have to consider the filters, through which passes the Knowledge you receive. It means that deep understanding of the situation, drawing an appropriate conclusion and adhering your own opinion is closely tied to thorough analysis of origin, destination and purpose of the Knowledge you receive.

However, this statement does not approach in particular cases. There are two types of Knowledge – first type would be natural sciences and mathematics, and the second type - all the other (for example, history, human sciences, ethics). Natural sciences and mathematics are to be called objective Knowledge, because all the information they provide is derived with the help of measuring equipment or sequence of necessary experiments. For example, measuring equipment cannot detect extraordinary abilities of a person, but it can detect the magnetic field between his palms (it even can be measured). Thus the presence of magnetic field radiated by palms at the moment of treating the patient is an objective assertion (it has determinate material evidence), and the presence of extraordinary abilities is subjective assertion (it has no material evidence and is based only on people’s beliefs). And the second type of Knowledge is to be called subjective, because you can never derive something with the help of measuring equipment, for example, in ethics or history. These (and all the other ones from this group) deal with people – and the provided information is passed along from person to person. For instance, in USSR’s economic account it has been written that somewhat 75 million tons of grain was grown in 1935. But recent information illustrates the inability of contemporary USSR to grow such huge amounts of grain due to insufferable state of agriculture. These numbers were changed in order to create propaganda. This information is subjective, because it has no material evidence.

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As the natural sciences and mathematics are objective Knowledge – the information they provide does not depend on the filters it goes through. What actually does depend on the filters is subjective Knowledge – because to some extent it is loose and is easily modified by the filter it goes through.

Filters are considered to be of two types – external and internal filters. External filter is such kind of filter that is surrounding the individual. One of them would be propaganda. Propaganda is a deliberately manipulated testimony that is systematically contrived to distort the picture of the ...

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