introduction to marketing

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BTEC National in Business

Unit 3

Pass 2


In this part of the assignment I am going to analyse Cadburys Fuse Bar with the promotion within the marketing mix. Marketing Mix includes five P’s

  • Product
  • Price
  • Place
  • Promotion
  • Packaging

Confectionary Consumption in the UK in among the highest in the world. Chocolate confectionary accounts for around 70% of sales value in the UK market, with sales of sweets at around 30%. These figures show that chocolate in UK is very popular snack; therefore the production of it is very important. Because people like the chocolate so much they need different tastes of the chocolate to suit different customers needs.

Innovation is very important therefore it is important that old products are being updated from time to time and new products are developed to satisfy customers. By launching of Cadburys Fuse, the company has increased the number of customers and increased market share. The product was so successful, that it helped to achieve Cadburys aim to increase their market share.


Product is what company sells in order to make money. Good product means higher sales and profit. Successful product may increase market shares and attract more customers to the business. One product could encourage customers to use other products of the business, for example if a customer likes one product he/she may be interested in trying other company’s products expecting that they will like other products too. This is why it is important to create a very successful product. Successful products increase reputation of the business as well as sales and number of customers.

In order to create successful product the company must first find out what customers want. What they would pay their money for and what they expect from the chocolate manufacturers. Successful market research may be the key to making successful product. When doing marketing research the company should focus on finding out what ingredients customers would like the chocolate to contain, also what shape and size of the product customers would like. The company also should focus on finding out what customers do not like about the products, so they do not create the product that customers do not actually like.

When carrying out Cadburys market research, the research showed that successful snack brands in the confectionery category tend to have more ingredients and often contain ingredients such as cereal, wafer, biscuits, peanuts and fruit. Research and development was spent on Cadbury’s Fuse bar. Cadburys carefully engineered the ingredients in order to deliver the right balance of chocolate, ingredients and texture.

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Sometimes it takes time to create the right product that customers would really like. This happened to Cadbury’s when creating Fuse bar. More than 250 ingredients were tried and tested in various combinations before the recipe was finalised, Cadbury’s web site claims.

To make a successful product companies often rely on what they know that customers like. They rely on products that have stabilised in the market and are very successful. Companies often try to make something similar to what already has been established and what companies already know that customers like. This is not a very ...

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