Investigating how Businesses Work - Alton Towers

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Portfolio A: Investigating how Businesses Work


As part of the GNVQ Part One each pupil has to complete a collection of portfolio’s.  This Investigation is aimed at achieving all the criteria set out in Portfolio A.

To complete this investigation I will split the portfolio up into the following sections:

Section One – Business Activities, Aims and Objectives.

Section Two – Four Functional Areas

Section Three - Equal Opportunities Legislation

Section Four – Internal & External communication

Section Five – Comparison of Two Different Organisational Structures

In order to complete the sections to a level that will pass all of the criteria’s set out I must use a wide range of resources and sources of information, ranging from text books to the World WideWeb and company visits.

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Section One: Business Activities, Aims and Objectives

There are many different types of organisations in this world and these organisations operate in different industrial sectors and markets within these sectors.  However, business can be divided into two groups; those that provide services and those that produce goods.  Regardless of the type of business organisation, they all have activities, aims and objectives that they wish to achieve.

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All businesses have an overall reason for providing their service or producing their goods, this overall reason is referred to as the business aim. A business aim is the overall target that the business wishes to achieve it also provides the business with a plan and a reason for trading.  Not all businesses will have the same overall aim, however, there are considered to be seven general business aims, they are as follows:

  1. To make a profit

Explain this aim here

  1. To provide goods or services to the local or wider community

Explain this aim here


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