Management and Electronic Business

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MGMT 200

 Management and Electronic Business


The emergence of information and communication technologies (ICT) tools in respects to e-commerce has seen vast improvements in the way organisations conduct their business. The usage of these technologies has seen organisation reap in profits, even though they require quite a substantial investment to start up.

As time revolves, so do technologies. Almost each day, some new technology is discovered or created. Businesses to stay in the game have either to revolve with these changes or be simply left out.

While these information and communication technologies promises e-commerce solutions which seem like a sure hit, we have to note that anything without proper planning is just going to be a waste of time.

Even with the best and more ‘revolutionary’ technology available, if one fails to plan, one simply plans to fail. So while the case studies illustrates the success stories of two organisation through the usage of these ‘revolutionary’ technologies, in the implementation of their e-commerce solutions, we have also got to note that before any technology were implemented, they were thoroughly researched.

The mammoth advancement in technologic has been extremely rapid. Vast advancement has been seen, in the past decade, to technologic, which has resulted in many wonderful inventions and innovations. The Internet, which was actually created in 1969, was hardly utilized for any organisation activities other then those for scientist and researches. It was only apparent in the last decade that organisation started to take the Internet as an organisational means of work and communication. (Schneider and Perry, 2000:13-15).

The Internet, together with organisation’s intranets and extranets, has greatly restructured the manner in which organisations communicate and do business. The emergence of the phenomenon of the “business-to-business” (B2B) and “business-to-consumer” (B2C) commerce on the Internet has greatly affected many organisations, regardless of its size. (Strauss and Frost, 2001:198). Some other types of E-Commerce activities, mainly in the order of consumer-to-consumer (C2C), consumer-to-business (C2B) and government-to-consumer (G2C) (WebCT notes)

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The usage of the Internet and information and communication technologies (ICT), helped to set the ground works for creation of electronic commerce. Electric Commerce, or better know as e-commerce, are business activities conducted using electronic data transmission via the Internet and the World Wide Web. E-Commerce provides tools for both business-to-consumer and business-to-business commerce, it is often designed to interface and integrate with existing back office systems. So are these ‘amazing’ technologies truly revolutionary? Well I would now take two case studies and see its effects in today’s business market.

The first case study takes a look at ...

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