Marks and Spencer aims and objectives

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Aims and Objectives

An aim of a business is the purpose of the business. The aims are what Marks and Spencer is trying to achieve in the long term. All business has different aims and Objectives that vary in some kind. For an Example Marks and Spencer aim might be to make sure that they make a profit this year.

What are Smart objectives?

Business also set objectives that are known to be SMART objectives. The meaning of SMART objectives is that the objectives that they set for the company should include being Specific, Measurable, Agreed, Realistic, and Time Specific.

Specific: Specific is being specific and stating what the company is aiming to achieve.

Measurable: Measurable is setting Objectives that believe that can be measured so that they can decide whether the objective has been achieved.

Agreed: When sets their objectives, they must make sure that they get everyone involve within the decision making. The staff must also understand the objectives that the company is setting and the company as whole must agree.

 Realistic: Marks and Spencer must set realistic objectives that are based on its competitors and the resources and the market.

Time specific: Marks and Spencer should state and Specific time in which they wish to have achieved these objectives by so they know what they have to work towards in order to meet that time.

“Continue to invest in and grow our core UK retail business, by introducing new goods and services” 

Marks and Spencer are currently providing their customers with food and clothing service. Marks and Spencer are aiming to continue investing in and grow with providing service to their retail businesses. Marks and Spencer update their products they do this by introducing new good and services. They have currently succeeded in introducing new products like clothes wear for all ages and gender. By doing this will help them to meet their long term objective of growing and investing within UK retails. (Appendix

Marks and Spencer are hoping to achieve the growth over the next few years by opening more Simply Food stores and improving the value and the quality of their lines, maintained lead within improvement and quality.

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“Strengthen our UK property portfolio”

Over the past three year Marks and Spencer are undertaking one of the biggest stores investments. They are hoping to increase the number of stores that they have. They will do this by expanding and modernising their existing properties. For Marks and Spencer to be able to achieve the biggest stores investment they said that they will expand their space by 15% to 20% during the next four years.

During 2007/08 they increased the space by opening new stores and extending their stores. They had opened up to 100 new stores within ...

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**** I like that the writer has gone to the company website and found out about it but there is a lot of fuzzy thinking. Statements are made without any reference to what went before or after. The terms used are not consistently used. There is no opening and concluding paragraph so the overall purpose of the essay is unclear.