Monitoring and evaluating customer service

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Monitoring and evaluating customer services

Zhanis Saulevics

Monitoring and evaluating customer service

Contents page

Monitoring and evaluating customer service        p.4

Making improvements to the customer services      p.5

How monitoring and evaluating can impact change and improvement for the customer, the organisation and the employee                                      p.6

Why the particular business performs well and why it demonstrates consistent and reliable  customer service which at the same time benefits the customer, the organisation and the employee                 p.7


he aim of this report is to describe and put emphasis on the process of evaluating and monitoring the customer service at particular business in different aspects. It also explains how improvements to the customer service and treating in the chosen particular organisation could be is also intended to describe and show how evaluating and monitoring can affect change and improvement for consumers, employees and the organisation itself. As a result it draws conclusions about whether business performs wells and is running smoothly and whether their customer service is performing successfully, effectively and magnificently or all the work that has been done was in vain.  

        Businesses need their customers to buy their products or to use their services in order to survive and make a profit. The way that they treat their customers is therefore very important. Most of the businesses that are dealing with customers daily have often separate customer service departments that are responsible for treating customers.

How customer service at the business is monitored and evaluated.

        Businesses must monitor and afterwards evaluate their performance hence they have to act in the right way. Monitoring involves review on both a quantitative and qualitative basis which means that basically, apart from estimating and counting such important indicators such as number of new and returning customers, staff turnover, and quantity of complaints they also need to assess them on the qualitative basis i.e. nature of complaints and compliments. They however, are not expressed too often because psychologically, when people are very unhappy and unsatisfied with something. They very often tend to share their opinion and disappointment with others and this can get very dangerous for the business, as it can affect many people’s final choices and preferences, people are trying to listen to suggestions of their friends, acquaintances and family members, but they very rarely will go and thank someone if they ARE satisfied. The best way to improve customer service is to examine complaints in detail and afterwards remedy the problem and make any improvements that customers are asking for so that they can get what they want.

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        In order to make people to share their thoughts and ideas, some basic things can be done such as suggestion boxes installed, customer comment cards available to pick straight at the till, telephone service introduced, questionnaires put onto the website, easy accessible online surveys and feedback forms both online and on the paper sheets. In TESCO for instance there are so called club cards that not only allow us to collect points but also allows them to monitor how often do we shop at their store, what we buy and how much do we spend every time. So, if suddenly ...

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