Newspapers in Pakistan

Jang Group Online:

The Jang Group Online website provides a number of newspapers in both English and Urdu online. These include International The News in English and the Jang Multimedia e-paper and the Jang “taaza tareen” in Urdu.

In The News, there are news articles as well as Style and Mag fashion magazines and updates. The International The News is a daily e-paper which contains short articles on international events. It also contains news on the financial market business reviews. Style contains fashion updates and trends and is uploaded on a weekly basis. Fashion Mag is a monthly e-paper that has short pictures and excerpts from the original offline magazine. Fashion Mag includes western wear fashion trends prevalent in Pakistan too.

The Jang Multimedia E-paper requires the user to subscribe through his/ her email address. It has the entire outlook of an actual Jang offline newspaper to ensure that customer still feel like they are reading a Jang newspaper. However there are the added benefits of the reader being able to view actual news coverage of interviews and videos of events and seminars. All of the live coverage is acquired from Geo Television which is a sister company to The Jang News Group.

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The Pakistan Observer: The Pakistan Observer provides news in English from all over Pakistan. It is mainly based in Islamabad and has been active since 1998. The site can be viewed by dividing your news city by city and category by category like world, cartoons, business, sports, voice of people, etc.

Pakistan Observer, like most of the rest of the e-papers generates revenues through offering space for ads on its website to different companies. The main page contains brief excerpts from various top news which can be viewed by choice if the customer wishes too. Pakistan Observer also has ...

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