Pestel and Swot analysis for a sandwich shop.

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Joe Thompson        P4

Political – The Government encourage us to be Healthier, Especially children. To try and reduce obesity in the country, due to bad eating habits. TAX ratings that you have to be aware of when serving food must be aware of these so you know your ideas will work or not.– 20% Eat In food, 20% Hot take away, Cold 0%

Economic – Lots of competition in the market, saturated market. (Gain customers by stealing them off rival companies. Since the market can’t get any bigger.) Recession – less disposable income available (make their own produce to save money.) price sensitive, 2.67M unemployed in the UK means that there are less job opportunities around and people have less money to spend.

Social – More Food programmes on TV, stressful lives less time on our hands, change in eating culture, we eat more foreign foods – We eat more fast food/convenience food, Fast Food not only for young people but for every one of all ages. We like franchises/brands because we recognize them, more freedom, unhealthy society due to unhealthy eating habits, 24 hour society, cook less food.

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Technological – Online ordering no need to go out to order you can do in the comfort of your home, cashless tills, self service tills, sandwich makers means you can do it yourself instead of having someone else do it for you. Advertising using apps for phones etc. keep food live (2-3 days old). By keeping it cold/freezing.

Legal – Cleanliness in organisations to attract customers that it’s a nice place to eat at. Cleanliness rating issued by food inspectors. However they have been dispatched, so there is going to be an increase of things like Ecoli, Salmonella in places.


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