Starting a small business. I will be describing the skill I need to open a coffee shop successfully and I will determine where the areas are that need development also i will analyse the developments needed to successfully run the business.

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In this assignment for p3 I will be describing the skill I need to open a coffee shop successfully and I will determine where the areas are that need development also i will analyse the developments needed to successfully run the business.


The skills I will need to run a coffee shop are:

  • Observation skills
  • Negotiation skills
  • Be good at giving advice
  • Accuracy and reliability
  • Confirmation of attendance
  • Be good at providing information and help
  • Be good at providing assistance and help
  • Problem solving
  • Good Listening skills
  • Basic oral communication
  • Presentation skills
  • Written communication
  • Using it
  • Decision making
  • Interpersonal skills

Observation skills are being alert to what is happening for example by observing patterns or trends in sales.


Negotiation skills are to gain agreement about a next step with an individual or group, in a manner which is clear and respectful to all concerned.

Accuracy and reliability when you think you have found the correct file or document check to make sure you are right. This is important in a paper–based system if there are several files with similar names.

Confirmation of attendance is when for any meeting you need to know the numbers attending because this affects other requirement the number of refreshments size of room and copies of documents

Problem solving is when research the alternatives and devise an appropriate method or course of action which resolves an obstacle or difficulty.

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Listening skills- most people are terrible listeners. Their mind starts wandering almost as soon as someone. You need good listening skills to run a business. Good listener can normally repeat back accurately what they heard. Without this skill you will loose customers.

Written communication is write, well constructed well presented essays, reports and letters for different audience.

Using IT is use appropriate it packages example: word processing, spreadsheets, databases, Power Point, web page, construction and email

Decision making is systematically choose the best option form a well researched range of alternatives and understand as much as possible ...

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