The different parts of a business plan

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Christina Maling

Task 1 (AO1)

The different parts of a business plan

Preliminary Information

Name: The name of a business is an important factor to consider when creating a new business. The name of the enterprise may give specific details of what the enterprise actually does. When considering a particular name for a business it is a good idea to create a name for the business that actually links to the product/service of the business. For example, it would be inappropriate to call a new chocolate bar ‘Doritos’ as this is a name of a crisp and people would think of crisps rather than chocolate when hearing the name of the new product. Also, the name of a business needs to be catchy and memorable, if this is the case; customers are more likely to remember the business. Also, when considering a name for a new business, the translation of the name needs to be taken into consideration. For example, when translating the name into different languages, it needs to be seen as appropriate in other languages, as something in English may be inappropriate in Chinese for example. Another factor that needs to be taken into consideration is copyright laws. A business needs to make sure that their new name isn’t already an existing businesses name, as the new company could be sued due to copyright laws. Finally, a businesses competition needs to be accounted for. It would be better for a business to have a completely different name to their competition. For example, it wouldn’t be good for two fast food restaurants to have extremely similar names, e.g. ‘McDonald’s’ and ‘McRonald’s’.

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Mission Statement: The mission statement is a brief summary that gives the details of the businesses aims, background, purpose and values. It gives people an insight to the aims of the business and allows them to view these aims and to see whether the business achieves these aims in the period of time set to achieve their aims. It also allows outsiders to look at the background of the business, its previous history and how well the business has done in the past. Also, the purpose and values of the business is shown in the mission statement, it allows ...

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