This report investigates the balanced scorecard approach to organisational performance, and covers.

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Executive Summary

This report investigates the balanced scorecard approach to organisational performance, and covers.


Tangible Advantages                                                

  • Translating strategy into specific objectives.
  • Balance between internal and external measures.                                

Tangible Disadvantages                        

  • Involvement of senior managers required.                                        

Intangible Advantages                                        

  • Focal point to organisation.
  • Non-financial aspects.                        

Intangible Disadvantages

  • Not defining vital measures of success.
  • Slight account of likely time lags.


Experience from Wheatley Park shows, that in order for a business to increase added value, and gain a competitive advantage, they have to set goals and translate into measurable outcomes. However they have to be sure what they decide to measure is relevant, and then monitor the trends and fluctuations for any negative issues that may occur.

A company can gain functional integration by applying the balanced scorecard to individual departments, and bring together measures that integrate the key business processes. However they must be cautious not to favour one department, as a gain in one department could be at the expense of another.


Provided it is properly implemented the Balanced Scorecard can help managers measure and control simultaneous aspects of the organisation. It can also branch outside the organisation in to the supply chain by analysing the inputs  (resources) as well as the customer perspective. However, a Balanced Scorecard on its own cannot perform as effectively as it can in conjunction with other managerial practises. Teams within the organisation will form their own measures inline with the overall Balanced Scorecard. These performance measures can help increase morale and motivate employees.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction………………………………………………………….....4

2. Question 1) Advantages and Disadvantages of the Balanced Scorecard

approach of measuring tangible and intangible resources…………..…....5

2.1 Tangible resources……………...….…………...……………….………...5

        2.2 Intangible resource………………………..………...…………………..5-6

3. Question 2) Balanced Scorecard approach tackles the management

issues of: -..………….……………………...…………………………….7

 3.1 Functional integration…………...….…………...……………..……….………...7

        3.2 Added Value…………………………………………...…………………..7

3.3 Producing competitive advantage for the individual hotels and the group as

a whole……………………………………………………………………...7-8

4. Question 3) Balanced Scorecard approach informs the tasks of

managing: -…………………………………………………………….....9

        4.1 Markets and competition…………………………………………………..9

        4.2 Processes…………………………………………………………………..9

        4.3 People………………………………………………….…………….…9-10

5. Conclusion………………...……………………………………..……11

6. Recommendations…………………………………...……………..…12

7. Appendices………………………………………………..……….….13

8. Bibliography………………………………………………………..…14

1. Introduction

This report has covered all aspects of the task, which was to ‘investigate the Balanced Scorecard approach to organisational performance’. Aspects include: -

  • The advantages and disadvantages of this approach of measuring and managing tangible and intangible resources;
  • Extent to which the balanced scorecard approach tackles the management issues of functional integration, added value, and competitive advantage;
  • Extent to which the balanced scorecard approach informs the tasks of managing, markets and competition, processes, and people.

In the past traditional financial accounts have been the primary measures of business success. These methods only mirror previous achievements and make no suggestion of future successes. This changed in 1993 when two American Professors, Robert Kaplan and David Norton introduced the Balanced Scorecard. The Balanced Scorecard is “a set of measures that gives top managers a fast but comprehensive view of the business” (R.S. Kaplan and B.P Norton 1992 p2), (See appendix 1 for a diagram of the model, and how each perspective can be interlinked). Consequently the Business Scorecard has been a great success in the USA (P. Hepworth 1998), and its adaptability is beginning to serve a wide range of business purposes across the world.

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2. Question 1)

The perceived advantages and disadvantages of the Balanced Scorecard approach of measuring and managing tangible and intangible resources.

There are many advantages and disadvantages to using this approach, after reading through various sources, we have analysed and summarised the main points below.

3.1 Tangible Resources

An advantage of the scorecard approach is that it helps organisations to achieve their overall strategy by translating the strategy ...

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