Travel demand questionnaire (LoughJet)

Authors Avatar by antonelo (student)


Dear passenger,

We would like to ask you to answer few questions in order to do a feedback of the service offered by LoughJet. We appreciate your opinion, either negative or positive. We at LoughJet want to know in which area we are doing well and where the level of service quality is not suitable. Your experience during the flight is very important to us, either poor or pleasant. We look forward to see what you think about our service.

We can assure you that your personal information you provide will be kept in the strictest confidence and your identity will remain anonymous according the Data Protection Act.

Thank you for your help.

Yours sincerely

Antonelo Sheytanov

Airline Customer Service Agent




United Kingdom

Information about yourself.


Mr                 Mrs □                Miss □                Ms

        1.2 First name ___________________

Surname _________________

Are you a UK resident?

Yes □ No         If you ticked No please write your residence here:


What is your group of age?

Join now!






Over 60                                

Have you been living in the UK for the last 12 months?

Yes □        No □            If you ticked No, please answer the next question.

When was the last time you have visited the UK?


Flight Information

How did you book?

Travel agency □                        Internet

At the airport □                        other

If you ticked other please specify ________________________________

Why did you choose to book it using exactly this service?


2.3 How would you rate the way you booked a ticket?

Excellent □                Good □                Fair

Poor ...

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