Wilsons Relocation Report.

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Wilsons Relocation Report

This report is for Wilsons

It has been written and prepared by Zukisa M’cwabeni.

This report covers the issue of the relocation of the Wilsons factory.

26 November 2002


  1. Map of sites
  1. Introduction
  1. Option1: Wimbledon
  1. Option2: Washington New Town
  1. Option3:Cardiff
  2. Option4:Glasgow
  3. Recommendation





I am writing this report for Wilsons who have approached me seeking advice on the relocation of their factory.  I shall take a detailed look at the options and produce a report that will provide you with the most viable choices regarding the move. I will take into consideration all the factors affecting the move which include:

  • Cost of site, premises and machinery.
  • Financial cost of moving
  • Change in transport costs (per anum)
  • Change in labour costs (per anum)
  • Change in other costs (per anum)
  • The availability of new staff in the new area
  • The production capabilities of the new location and its future potential.
  • The views of the current employees.  

The move has been made necessary by fact that Wilsons has become too large for their current premises. They need to expand and increase production.

The information shall provide a solid and totally factual account of the best premises for the move and will give a good means of making a final decision.  


Option 1:

Location: Wimbledon

Cost of site premises and new machinery:  £ 7,8 00,000

This site is the most expensive of the four options. The site would be the same size as the old factory and would not offer further room for development and seeing as the purpose of the move is to expand production operations, a move to this site would not be extremely viable or to your advantage.

Financial costs of moving:  £200000

This would be the cheapest in terms of moving costs because it is less than a mile away.

Change in transport costs (per year): + £0

There would be no change in transport costs because the companies’ employees will have no substantial difference in their travelling distance to work. The transport costs of supplies and delivery of their products to their customers will also be unchanged.

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Change in labour costs (per year): + 0

Wilsons will have no need to find employees and will retain a high number if not all its workers because all the workers have no large change in work location.

Change in other costs (per year): £0

This is probably the most important figure because it reflects a potential shortcoming for the business of a move to such a close location, because the other proposed locations would actually bring down other costs. This is not wise as the aim of the move is to generate more income ...

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