With reference to specific examples, what determines the price of a house?

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 GCSE Economics Coursework

With reference to specific examples, what determines the price of a house?

By Tom Nixon 11BD

In this economics, I will be explaining what determines the price of a house with reference to:

  • Demand and supply;
  • Size, facilities and age of a house;
  • Local location and the surrounding area, and;
  • Cities, suburbs and the country


Demand is the willingness and ability to buy a good or service at any given price.


At price p, the quantity bought is q.  

However, if price increases from p to p1, the quantity sold decreases from q to q1.


However, if the price falls from p to p1,

then the quantity demanded will increase from

q to q1

Supply is the willingness and ability to sell a good or service at any given price.

At price p, quantity q is sold.

If price increases from p to p1 then quantity supplied also increases from q to q1.

If price falls though, from p to p1,

 then the quantity supplied will also

               decrease from q to q1

 as suppliers are more willing to

sell products at a higher price.


I predict that the price of a house is mainly determined by the demand for a house along with the cost of producing a house. If it costs £50, 000 to build a house then the supplier will be looking to maximise his profit and sell it for at least double what it cost to build it originally.

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However, if lots of people are in demand for houses then the price will go down. Therefore, we can assume that demand for houses is price inelastic, and the demand curve should be something like this:

I think that house prices are determined by demand. If people demand lots of houses then there will be low costs, but prices are so high due to not many people wanting houses. I think that people do not want houses because inflation is high and mortgage rates are high too so this has ...

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