Book 6 - The Odyssey.

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Book 6 – The Odyssey

  1. Chapter 6 continues, from chapter 5, with Odysseus being asleep in his self made bed of leaves, at the island belonging to the Phaeacians. Whilst Odysseus sleeps Athene is already sketching out plans for Odysseus and makes her way to the palace belonging to Alcinous. Where Athene appears to  Nausicaa, Alcinous’ daughter during her dreams, in the form of Nausicaa’s friend Dymas, and informs Nausicaa that she should clean some of her clothes, in case she is soon to be married and will need the clothes for herself and the bridegroom’s party.

When Nausicaa awakes in the morning, she asks her father Alcinous to order the princes, to prepare her a high-sided wagon, so her and her servants could go to the river to clean her own and her families dirty clothes. Alcinous agreed, and sent the princes to prepare the wagon and her mother packed her some food, wine and olive oil to take along with them.

The all arrive at the river and wash the clothes, after that they bathed and rubbing olive oil in themselves before eating lunch by the riverside. After they had eaten, the maids played ball and Nausicaa  sang and kept time for their game. Just before they decided to fold up the clothes and head for home, Athene had a plan. Nausicaa through the ball to one of her maids, but the maid missed it, and the ball landed into the deep current, all of the women let out a shriek, which awakened Odysseus as planned by Athene.  When Odysseus awoke he decided to venture out of his bed in the bushes, to investigate, and soon he found himself in front of the women. Odysseus was still covered in the salt from the sea and looked un wholesome, so the maids ran off in different directions. Nausicaa did not run away from Odysseus because she had been given courage by Athene. Odysseus makes a plea with Nausicaa by explaining his hard ship and showering her with flattery, complimenting her on her beauty and comparing her to a goddess. Nausicaa takes pity on Odysseus and orders her maids back, she gives Odysseus some olive oil and tells him to wash, and she sets down a cloak and tunic for him. When Odysseus has bathed and rubbed himself with olive oil, Athene makes him look taller, sturdier and more handsome. Nausicaa is stunned by Odysseus and orders her maid to set food and drink out for him.

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They all depart for home but Odysseus walks at the back of the wagon with the maids, at Nausicaa’s requests, so to not provoke gossip from the towns people at the sight of Nausicaa with a handsome man. Nausicaa tells Odysseus she will direct him to a point in the town but from their on he must find his own way to the palace, with her directions, this way she will not disgrace her parents by associating with men before she is married. The chapter closes with Odysseus alone in the town.

  1. Nausicaa is around 16 years old, ...

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