Book 9 & 10 - The Odyssey.

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THE ODYSSEY – Book 9 & 10


THE CICONES: In book 9, Odysseus is sharing his hardship with the King Alcinous, he begins by telling him the story of when he landed in Ismarus, the home of the Cicones. Odysseus explains, how he destroyed the men folk, and shared out the women and the food that he had took from the town, between his comrades. ‘And then I said we must escape with all possible speed’ Odysseus knows the consequences of his actions and wishes to leave the island, but his crew are enjoying the wine, live-stock and continue to butcher the sheep. Meanwhile the Cicones, go to raise help from the other cicones, who are ‘both more numerous and better men, trained in fighting from the chariot and on foot as well, when the occasion requires’. Before Odysseus and his men had left the Cicones had arrived. They fought, but the Cicones gained the upper hand on the Achaean ranks. Six comrades from each ship were killed, the rest including Odysseus got away alive.

THE LOFTUS-EATERS: Odysseus then explains the next place he lands, which was home to the Loftus-eaters. Odysseus and his men disembarked, to draw water and eat a quick meal. Odysseus then chose three men, to find out what humans beings lived on the island. These men soon came across the Loftus-eaters. These natives had no intention on killing these men, but instead gave them some lotus to taste. Those who ate the honeyed fruit lost any will to come back to Odysseus with any news, they wanted to stay with the Lofus-eaters and forget any thoughts of returning home. Odysseus used force to bring the men back, the men cried on the way back to the ship, and Odysseus tied them up and dragged them under the benches. Odysseus then commanded his crew to get back into the ships, to prevent them eating the loftus too, the crew obey took their places on board the ships and left the country.

THE CYCLOPS: The next place Odysseus comes across in the land of the Cyclops. Odysseus had chosen 12 best men he had in his company, he wrapped in a goatskin some mellow wine and some food which he took with him to find out what kind of men where on the island. Odysseus and his men soon came across a cave, but it’s owned was not home, so they went inside and looked around. Odysseus and his crew lit a fire, and helped themselves to the cheese, then they sat down and waited for the cave owner’s arrival. When he came back he entered the cave and put a huge rock over the entrance of the cave. Once the Cyclops had re-lit his fire, he spied the men. The Cyclops asked who they were and where they had come from. Odysseus made a plea with him, and told him who they were and why they were there. They Cyclops told Odysseus he cared nothing for Zeus and the other Gods and asked Odysseus where his ship was. Odysseus told his that his ship was wrecked and he and his men had just escaped with their live. The Cyclops didn’t care, instead picked up 2 of Odysseus’ men dashed their heads against the floor and ate them. At dawn the Cyclops once again eat another 2 men for his meal. He left the rest of the men in his cave whilst he went to the mountains with his flocks, replacing the rock over the entrance door.

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        Odysseus keeping in mind he needed the Cyclops to remove the rock across the door, thought up a plan to stab the Cyclops in the eye with an olive-wood that was in the cave and he informed his crew of the plan. That evening the Cyclops returned and ate another 2 men for his meal. Odysseus encouraged the Cyclops to wash his meal down with some wine, the Cyclops did so and wanted more and more of the wine to drink. The wine had made the Cyclops lose his wits, and Odysseus told him his name was ‘no-body’. The Cyclops ...

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