Commentary on a Speech by Oedipus from Oedipus Rex.

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The Words of a Tragic Hero:

Commentary on a Speech by Oedipus from Oedipus Rex 

“For I, [. . .] Oedipus, noblest of all the line / of Kadmos, have condemned myself to enjoy / these things no more,” laments Oedipus in utter despair at the end of the play Oedipus Rex, the first of the trilogy by Sophocles (13-16. Appendix).  Oedipus blinds himself upon the discovery of himself as the murderer of his father and of Iocaste’s death.  Yet, in midst of intense pain he is able to compose himself, and delivers one of the most moving speeches in the play.  In a fifty-four-line speech in Éxodos, Oedipus reflects on the fateful events in his life leading to the catastrophe and justifies his action of self-blinding.  The themes, subtle motifs, vivid imagery, careful diction and effective structure of the speech are ingenious touches that complete Oedipus’s portrayal as a tragic hero.  Although the chosen passage is a translation from Greek to English, the translators “found the best English equivalent in a literalness which extended to the texture and rhythm of the Greek phrasing [. . .] to render precisely—the emotional and sensible meaning of every speech in the play” (Fitts and Fitzgerald, “Commentary” p.239).  

This is the first lengthy speech Oedipus has given in Éxodos.  Sophocles uses this opportunity to establish Oedipus’s place as a tragic hero.  The chorus’s comment that Oedipus would be happier if he committed suicide impels Oedipus to give this speech as a strong and powerful defense of his resolve to remain alive.  “Do not counsel me anymore” snaps Oedipus to the chorus assuming an authoritative tone in revelation of the assertiveness of his decision (1).  His speech changes from the brief lyrical outcries during the kommos with the chorus to mostly Alexandrine and occasionally iambic pentameter to express a calmer and more logical self.  However, the speech is in continuous and longer sections than Oedipus’s normal speech to show his sorrow and overwhelming emotions.  Oedipus makes no mention of his physical pain, but rather is concerned with the psychological torment the truth brings.  In lamentation, Oedipus sighs that he cannot bear to see his parents, children, the images of the gods and Thebes (5-11).  There is a very cruel peripeteia in these statements from Scene III when he thought it would sweet to see his parents again.  Oedipus also grieves at the irony of his contradictory value as the “the noblest of all the line / of Kadmos” (14-15) and one that is cancerous with evil (33-34).  All the things that were once the joy of his life now become the source of his pain.  Twice in the speech, Oedipus begs to be hidden away from men’s eyes forever revealing the incredible burden of guilt he carries (20, 52).  Consequently, he struck his eyes out so to alleviate the pain.  More importantly, Oedipus chooses self-blinding over death because he sees it as a “just” punishment more painful than death, fulfilling his declaration to severely punish the murderer of Laïos in Scene I, and subsequently sustaining his moral clarity (2).  Phrases from lines 1-2, “this punishment / that I have laid upon myself is just” and lines 13-15, “I […] have condemned myself” reveal that Oedipus is very clear in making the distinction that the punishment was self-chosen unlike the sufferings brought by Apollo.  These actions make Oedipus all the more tragic and heroic because he makes a conscious decision to resist misfortune and endure life.  His active role in judging and punishing himself also elevates his character because it is a privilege reserved for the gods.

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With the loss of sight, Oedipus gains insight into his identity.  Oedipus searches for self-understanding through retrospect of his life in the first, second and third sections of the speech. The subsequent naming of the crucial places of his past in these three sections thus marks Oedipus’s symbolic journey of reliving his life, this time with awareness.  Oedipus addresses to each place in second person and personifies them.  In these sections, Oedipus reaches his point of emotional climax in the speech, therefore rhetorical questions and exclamations are frequent.  Beginning with Kithairon, the place his parents abandoned him, Oedipus asks a ...

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