Homer. What is meant by the term 'Oral Composition'?

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Oral Composition The Iliad was composed orally by Homer around 750 BC, and written down between 725-675 BC. The Iliad is a tale consisting of the consequences of a disagreement between Agamemnon and Achilles. Many poets and singers of the time would accompany their compositions on lyres and harps while reciting tales of heroes and myths. As the term ‘oral composition’ suggests, these poems and songs were not in literary form until long after they were
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first composed. This meant that the poet had to remember a lot to be able to successfully relate each story. The poet would not memorize the entire tale, but would rather compose as he went along, adding in certain memorized phrases, including epithets such as ‘Swift-footed Achilles’, which could be repeated whenever a similar event came up, such as the preparation of a meal or the description of a person. The phrases were in dactylic hexameter which helped the poem to run smoothly. This would also give the poet time to think about how he would construct the next part ...

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