How does Medea by Euripides reflect Greek Society

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How does Medea by Euripides reflect Greek Society

Usually Greek Playwrights were primarily concerned with religious issues rather than the smaller issues of social or political. However, within the Greek myths there were a series of topics that were primarily presented to challenge the audience socially and politically. In the case of Medea by Euripides it is the strong female character Medea who takes the main lead role in the play.

It is possible to study the role of women in culture yet especially with a text like Medea it is evident that there is more than one culture involved. They are the culture of the actual subject, in this case Medea and the culture of the author. Euripides constructed a play by using a series of stories that had been handed down generations gone before him from the time of Medea and of course his own particular observations of women in that society around him.

What Medea does by the end of the play is a very powerful statement on the role of women in Ancient Greece. From researching into the political status of women it is suggested that it was seen as acceptable that they were treated as an object of possession. The Greek legal system worked accurately if the husbands were honest and responsible. The wife herself only had legal protection if her husband was either dead or sick. Also, the non citizen wives were worse off as they had to have a citizen friend besides their own husband. In this play Medea creates a very strong and stern warning to society to not take advantage of this possibility. Many modern day critics of the play believe that this Greek view of the role of women in society was to blame for Medea’s excesses and the overall extreme she went to. If there was a good well balanced legal system then there would be no need for vengeance. Thus making Medea take the law into her own hands.

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A point worth mentioning is the fact that Medea is not described to the audience on her appearance instead she is greatly described on what she can do. Unlike Greek women in her society at that time, Medea does not rely it seems on such Gods and Goddesses such as Aphrodite and her charms, but instead she relies on her own potions and her incantations. Medea in her society was the priestess of Hecate who gave her lots of power both physically and socially. With having this power she had the powerful social status in which she was respected ...

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